Anthony Stanyan

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Anthony Stanyan, whose ancestry is unknown (or not traced here), was born at England, about 1607.1 He died at Exeter, Rockingham Co., New Hampshire, before 21 February 1688/89, when his inventory was taken.1,2

Anthony married (1) Mary (…), say 1640;1,3 he married (2), as her 2nd husband, Ann Spicer at Salisbury, Merrimack Co., New Hampshire, 1 January 1655/56. The ancestry of both wives is unknown (or not traced here).1,3,2

Anthony Stanyan, 24, glover, is on the list of passengers (made from 22 March to 11 April 1635) in the Planter bound from London to New England, Nicholas Travice, master.4 In several later court depositions he stated his age as:
About 59, February 1666/7
About 65, 8 October 1672
About 68, 13 April 1675

He first settled at Boston and removed to Exeter in 1639. He had returned to Boston by 26 July 1641 when he was made a townsman. His son was also baptized there in 1642, but Anthony still retained his lands at Exeter where he returned by 1644. He finally removed to Hampton in 1649.

He was a planter, yeoman, and an innkeeper. On 8 October 1667, "Anthony Stanian was licensed to keep the ordinary for Hampton and to sell wine and strong waters by retail." A year later, 13 Oct 1667, "Mr. Stanian's license to keep the ordinary for Hampton was renewed." However, six months later on 13 April 1669, "Anthony Stanian, presented for not having accommodations for horses and other conveniences according to law was fined, and in case of non-payment was to appear at next Hampton court."

He was admitted to the Exeter church before 24 July 1642, and at Hampton, 4 March 1649/50, "Antony Stanyen was at "the first seat at the west end of the table," and "Mistress Stanyen" was in "the first seat next Mistress Whelewrit." The couple were on a list of members in full communion at Hampton, 18 September 1671.

He was made freeman at Hampton, 17 April 1644, and had sufficient education to be able to sign his various deeds.

He held various local positions of trust and responsibility at Exeter and Hampton:

At Exeter, he was one of several to "have the ordering of all town affairs," 18 January 1639/40. He was commissioner to end small causes, 14 May 1645 and 6 May 1646, Constable 4 November 1645 and 1648, Selectman in 1645 and 1646, and clerk of the writs, 26 May 1647.

At Hampton he was commissioner to end small causes, 1 Oct 1650 and 3 October 1654 and Constable, 10 October 1665.

For Norfolk County, he was on a petit jury, 24 Apr 1649, 7 October 1651, 4 October 1653, 14 April 1668 (foreman), 8 October 1672, 14 April 1674 (foreman), 30 May 1676; on a Grand jury, 9 April 1650, 1 October 1650, 19 Feb 1660[/1?], 14 April 1663, 11 April 1665, and 11 November 1679.

For New Hampshire, he was on a petit jury, 6 December 1681.

He was also on a Massachusetts Bay committee to lay out a highway from Haverhill to Exeter, 26 May 1647. On 14 May 1656, he represented Norfolk Co. as one of several commissioners for the several counties to open the proxies for the nomination of magistrates, reporting that Portsmouth, Exeter, and Dover were defective.

He held several pieces of property at Boston, Exeter, and Hampton:

At Boston, he was granted a Great Lot for eleven heads, 19 February 1637/8.

In the 1639 land grants at Exeter, he received 27 acres, 135 poles of upland, and "8 acres more or less & 2 acres & half at Lamp River" of marsh.

On 16 January 1644[/5?] Exeter ordered that he should have 30 acres of meadow that was 3 or so miles south of the town. On 10 February 1647[/8?] he was granted 300 acres of upland at his meadow.

James Davis Sr. of Haverhill sold to Anthony of Exeter "all my lands in Hampton with all my meadow ground therewith all my common & commonages & all the privileges thereto belonging being 84 acres of upland & 34 acres of meadow & marsh lying along by the river called the Falls River on the north 28 acres more of upland lying on the south side of Goodman Shaw's farm & Goodman Fuller's land on the north as they are granted in the town book of Hampton, three shares in the cow common & one share in the ox common," 17 August 1648.

Of Hampton, he sold to Edward Gillman on 27 March 1650:
[torn] house at Exiter and the house[torn] . . . & my great lot [torn] containing about seven or eight acres & the house & lot which was sometimes John Cumpton's with the great lot of ten acres towards [torn] Hilton's & the two acres of meadow which belongs to that lot & the [torn] & lot that was Robert Read's & the great lot & the meadow belonging to that lot & twenty acres of upland granted me by the town the fresh river near the falls not laid out & the farm which was granted me by the town lying about three or four miles southward from the fallc containing three hundred acres of upland & about thirty acres of meadow . . . & six acres more of upland not yet occupied near unto the lot that was G Dearborn's with all my right & interest of my share of Mr. Whewrit's house & lands.

He and Anne, of Hampton, sold to Robert Pike of Salisbury about six acres of planting ground, and to Thomas Bradbury and John Stevens, both of Salisbury, 36 acres of upland being three 10-acres lots and a six acre lot now lying in Salisbury, previously owned by William Partridge of Salisbury, deceased, and former husband of Anne, 6 January 1657[/8?].

Both of Hampton, Rodger Shaw sold Anthony about 40 acres of salt marsh lying in Hampton, 15 November 1658.

On 11 June 1659,
“Anthony Stanian and Anne his wife both of the town of Hampton . . . for diverse good & lawful considerations us thereunto moving & especially in consideration of the full discharge of twenty six pounds by John Partidg of Boston, seaman, which twenty-six was due unto the said John Partridg for several legacies given unto him by his grandfather John Partridg & his father Willi[am] Partridg deceased, as also in consideration of thirteen pounds to be paid unto Hannah Partridg at the age of one & twenty years, & thirteen pounds to Elizabeth Partridg at the age of twenty-one years,” deeded “unto the said John Partridg one messuage or dwelling house with certain lands hereafter expressed . . . . within the bounds or precincts of the town of Salisbury in the County of Norfolk &c., viz: four acres more or less of fresh meadow lying in the Great Meadows, & seven acres of meadow more or less lying in the Barberry Meadows, and eight acres more or less of salt marsh, lying in the first divisions of higledee-pigledee towards Hampton, and four acres more or less of masrsh lying at Mr. Hall’s farm, and a division of sweepage at the beach towards Hampton, the house and lands being formerly the house and lands of Willi[am] Partridg late of Salisbury deceased.”

John Partridg of Salisbury, seaman, deeded these same lands back to Anthony, of Hampton, 21 October 1660, and the next year, Anthony sold the same lands to Robert Downer of Newberry, 3 July 1661.

Thomas Carter of Salisbury sold Anthony his land & farm in Salisbury, 8 April 1662, and the same day, Elenor Hook of Salisbury, widow, sold Anthony her right in the same farm.

Anthony, of Hampton, deeded to “my well beloved son John Stanian of the same town . . . the one full and complete half of all my lands & accommodations belonging unto me, now . . . within the bounds of the town of Hampton aforesaid as well housing, arable land, marsh, meadow, pastures, commonages, mill &c. as also the one half of my land lying in a place called Mr. Hall’s farm within the bounds of the town of Salisbury,” 9 November 1663.

Anthony Stanyen of Hampton . . . gent.,” sold to Samuel Leavitt of Exeter 7 ½ acres of marsh “which I had delivered to me by way of execution by a judgement granted to me the said Stanyen at Salisbury Court last past upon the estate of Mr. Charles Hilton of Exeter aforesaid which said marsh is lying and being at Lamprill River Point.”

He was assessed 6s. 10½d at Hampton, 8 May 1680.

At various times, Anthony had a few legal entanglements:

Exeter "recorded that Anthonie Stanyon hath satisfied the court concerning the offence given by him to our Ruler Nedham," 6 March 1639/40.

He brought over an apprentice or servant, Edward Jones of Boston, Carpenter from John Kirke of Tichmersh, Northampton, England, about May 1639.

John Legat of Exeter bound himself to Anthony who was entrusted by Legat’s wife to guarantee the payment of £60 to his step-daughter “out of the goods & chattels which I was to receive with my said wife on Marriage” which he (Legat) had promised in a pre-nuptial agreement, 5 February 1644/5.

He was charged for striking John Busley, confessed, and was fined, 29 September 1646.

He was one of the men of Exeter who petitioned to have the boundary with Hampton established, and be allowed to have a “commissioner to end small causes,” and a clerk of writs. The Massachusetts Bay General Court granted these requests, 6 May 1646.

He was one of sixteen Exeter men who agreed to pay their shares to purchase Mr. Wheelwright’s house, and land for Mr. Nathaniel Norcrosse, 25 May 1646.

He was charged and fined for striking Edward Colcord Jr., 8 October 1672. [at age sixty five, he “was as good once, as he ever was.”].

He signed Hampton’s petition to Charles II to remain under the jurisdiction of Massachusetts, 22 October 1679.

On 29 June 1682, he was one of eighteen men "freed from training without paying anything for their freedom."

He is last of record when, as one of several “aged and humble suppliants of Hampton,” he signed a petition to the Lt. Governor of New Hampshire to “be freed from head money, we being heartily willing our estates should pay their proportion to all public charges, but we humbly crave our heads may be spared,” 2 March 1683[/4?].

The inventory of his estate, taken 21 February 1688[/9?], totaled £45 18s. 2d., with no real estate.

Family 1

Mary (…) d. abt. 1655
  • John Stanyan+1 b. 16 Jul 1642, d. 26 Sep 1718
  • Mary Stanyan1 b. aft. 1643

Family 2

Ann Spicer d. 10 Jul 1689
This person was last edited on14 Dec 2017


  1. [S349] John Brooks Threlfall, Fifty Great Migration Colonists to New England & Their Origins (Madison, Wisconsin: p.p., 1990), 429-432, further cited as Threlfall, Fifty Great Migration Colonists.
  2. [S2053] Robert Charles Anderson, George F. Sanborn Jr. and Melinde Lutz Sanborn, The Great Migration: Immigrants To New England, 1634-1635, 7 volumes (Boston, Massachusetts: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1999-2011), 6:483, further cited as Anderson, et al., The Great Migration.
  3. [S1872] Clarence Almon Torrey, New England Marriages Prior to 1700, 3 vols. (Boston, Massachusetts: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2011), 1434, further cited as Torrey, New England Marriages (2011).
  4. [S1492] Peter Wilson Coldham, The Complete Book of Emigrants: 1607-1660: A Comprehensive Listing Compiled from English Public Records of Those Who Took Ship to the Americas for Political, Religious, and Economic Reasons; of Those Who Were Deported for Vagrancy, Roguery, or Non-Conformity; and of Those Who Were Sold to Labour in the New Colonies (Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing, 1987), 128, further cited as Coldham, Complete Book of Emigrants, 1607-1660.