David Gardiner

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ChartsAncestors of Edward Ambrose Cooke (#1)
Ancestors of Edward Ambrose Cooke (#2)
David Gardiner, son of Captain Lyon Gardiner and Mary Duercant, was born at Saybrook Fort, Connecticut, 29 April 1636.1 He died at Hartford, Connecticut, 10 July 1689, while attending the General Assembly of the Colony of Connecticut on behalf of the east-end towns of Long Island.1 He was buried in the Ancient Burying Ground (Center Church Graveyard), Hartford, Connecticut.2,3

David married, as her 2nd husband, Mary Maschall, whose ancestry is unknown (or not traced here), at St. Margaret, Westminster, Middlesex, England, 4 June 1657.4,1,5

David Gardiner was probably sent to England for his education, and while there, met and married his wife. He had returned to East Hampton by May 1656 when he appears as a witness to certain documents.

According to his father's will, David was the cause of some financial loss to his father, which prevented him from giving what he wanted to his daughter and grandchild. In any event, he left the entire estate to his wife, leaving it up to her to dispose of as she would, and she seemingly chose to ignore what Lion and mentioned about David, and the entire island was "to be entayled to the first heires Male proceeding from the Body of my deceased Husband Lion Gardiner, and mee, his wife Mary, from time to time forever, never to bee sold from them, but to bee a continuous inheritance to the heires of me and my husband forever."

In 1683, the General Assembly of the Province determined the Isle of Wight would be attached to Suffolk County for tax purposes. The petition includes that his father had settled the island "before thre was any one Englishman seated on Long Island." The governor would only go so far as to issue a confirmatory grant reciting all the former grants and creating the island as the "lordship and manor of Gardiner's Island," but it appears it was still a part of Suffolk County.

In several deeds, he described as "Mr. David Gardiner, of the Isle of Wight, in New England":
20 Mar 1680 he purchased a meadow in Ocquabauk from Jeremiah Vaile
20 Mar 1680 he purchased from James Parschall (his daughter's husband), half of James purchase of Ocquabauk
16 Sep 1682 he purchased Pesapuncke Neck from Thomas Gyles
9 Oct 1683 he purchased the Old Indian Field and four other parcels from Thomas Tusten.6

David apparently died unexpectedly, and intestate. His sons, and James Parschall, husband to their sister Elizabeth, entered into an agreement to divide the estate:
This writeing witnesseth an agreement between Mr John Gardiner David Gardiner and Lyon Gardiner concerning the division of what Estate was left by their father Mr David Gardiner deceased &c They doe hereby mutually agree together & with each other that

Lyon Gardiner shall have one halfe of all & singular ye goods and chattels both without dores and within according as it is valued by inventory, he ye sd Lyon Gardiner to bear, one halfe of all the loss in the flock and to pay one halfe of the just debts contracted and made by their father deceased, and

David Gardiner is to have one fourth part of all and singular the goods & Chattels of the Estate aforesaid he bearing one fourth part of the loss of said Estate and pay one fourth part of all just debts contracted by their deceased father and

John Gardiner to have the other fourth part of the Estate, he also bearing his equall proportion, in the loss, and paying of just debts

together with ninty pounds, which all and every one of them doe hereby agree and have given their obligation, to Mr James Parshall to pay according to their proportions viz: Lyon to pay one halfe and John and David the other halfe equally according to their proportions and to pay their equal proportion of what necessary charg; for funerall charges and Inventorys, and the like,

to which agreement they the said John Gardiner, David & Lyon Gardiner, doe hereby bind themselves joyntly & severally, to each other in the penel sum of five hundred pounds currant mony to be recovered of eyther of them, that shall refuse to stand to said agreement and to take all and every one of their proportions, according to ye division shall be now made between themselves and the assistance of John Tutthill & Jasper Griffin and Stephen Baily—to which agreement the sd John Gardiner David & Lyon doe binde themselves in the sum aforsaid

Witness their hands and seals this 2d day of July 1690.

Witnessed by us
mark of
mark of

To all Christian people to whome these may come or concerne greeting &c Know Ye that we the within mentioned and subscribed have by ourselves and the assistance of the men within recited (viz) John Tutthill, Jesper Griffin and Stephen Baily are, fully, and totally agreed upon and have made a finall division of sd goods and chattles therein exprest, and doe equiesse and rest satisfied with our proportions according to the division as Witness our hands and seals this 3d day of July 1690.

Witnessed by
hi. mark

Entd pr Benj: Yo. Rdr

Receipt and release of James Parshall of Southold to John, David and Lyon Gardiner dated 26th June 1690, for ninety pounds current mony as a legacy and for any other sum due Elizabeth Parshall his wife, and daughter, of David Gardiner late deceased.

mark of
James x Parshall

Jasper Griffin
Stephen Baily
Entd pr Benj: Yo. Rdr.

I doe also hereby engage, in case of a nonpayment of the sd above obligation never to exact or desire any more than the ninety pounds as my wife's and my full proportion of the estate of my father in law Mr David Gardiner deceased —

Witness my hand and seal 26 June 1690 —

Memorandum : If the sd Estate shall be wasted or destroyed by robery or fire, before the obligation of ninety pounds be performed then I am to bear my proportion of what shall be wasted or destroyed—

June 26th 1690. —

mark of
James x Parshall.
Entd pr Benj: Yo, Rdr —.7,8

His grave stone is inscribed:
Here Lyeth the
Body of Mr. David
Gardiner, of
Gardiner's Island,
Deceased July 10,
1689, in the Fifty
Fourth Year of His
Age. Well, Sick, Dead,
in one Hour's space.
Engrave the Remembrance of
Death on Thine
When as Thou
Dost See How
Quickly Hours Depart
Born in Saybrook April 29 1636
The first white child born in Connecticut.3,8


Mary Maschall b. say 1635
This person was last edited on23 Dec 2017


  1. [S331] Frank Nellis Parshall and Homer Leroy Parshall, To and From James and Catharine Parshall(Manhattan, Kansas: s.p., 1968), 33-37, further cited as Parshall and Parshall, Parshall Family.
  2. [S1789] Curtiss C. Gardiner, Lion Gardiner, and his Descendants (1599-1890)(St. Louis, Missouri: A. Whipple, 1890), 88-89, further cited as Gardiner, Lion Gardiner.
  3. [S1546] "Judith", Find A Grave memorial #11435747, added 28 Jul 2005, online http://www.findagrave.com, accessed Nov 2011, further cited as Find A Grave.
  4. [S2053] Robert Charles Anderson, George F. Sanborn Jr. and Melinde Lutz Sanborn, The Great Migration: Immigrants To New England, 1634-1635, 7 volumes (Boston, Massachusetts: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1999-2011), 3:6-12, further cited as Anderson, et al., The Great Migration.
  5. [S1872] Clarence Almon Torrey, New England Marriages Prior to 1700, 3 vols. (Boston, Massachusetts: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2011), 597, further cited as Torrey, New England Marriages (2011).
  6. [S1789] Gardiner, Lion Gardiner, 86-88.
  7. [S1792] J. Wickam Case, Southold Town Records, Two Volumes. Southampton, New York: Towns of Southampton and Riverhead, 1882-1884, 264-266. CD-ROM reprint, Genealogy and History of Southold, New York (http://genealogycds.com: genealogycds.com, 2003), further cited as Case, SHTR.
  8. [S1789] Gardiner, Lion Gardiner, 89.