Æelfthryth, daughter of Ordgar, Ealdorman of Devon and NN, died 17 November 999.1,2
Æelfthryth married Eadgar, King of England, son of Eadmund I "the Magnificent," King of England and Saint Ælfgifu, in 965.3,1
Æelfthryth married Eadgar, King of England, son of Eadmund I "the Magnificent," King of England and Saint Ælfgifu, in 965.3,1
Family | Eadgar, King of England b. 943, d. 8 Jul 975 |
Child |
This person was last edited on | 24 Jul 2021 |
- [S520] Frederick Lewis Weis, Walter Lee Sheppard Jr., William R. Beall and Kaleen E. Beall, Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700… ., 8th ed. (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2004), 1-17, further cited as Weis, Sheppard, Beall, and Beall, Ancestral Roots, 8th ed.
- [S1954] Stewart Baldwin, The Henry Project: The Ancestors of King Henry II of England: An Experiment in Cooperative Medieval Genealogy on the Internet, https://fasg.org/projects/henryproject/data/aelft000.htm, accessed Aug 2019. Hereinafter cited as Baldwin, The Henry Project.
- [S1954] Baldwin, The Henry Project, https://fasg.org/projects/henryproject/data/edgar000.htm, accessed Oct 2017.