John Truax

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ChartsAncestors of Cecil Andrew Smith
Theodore Roosevelt Jr. - Cecil Andrew Smith
John Truax, son of Philip Truax and Sarah La Rue, was born at Monmouth Co., New Jersey, about 1700.1 He died at Freehold, Monmouth Co., New Jersey, before 14 April 1778, when his will was proved.1

John married (1) Sytje van Kerken, daughter of Aert Jansz Verkerk and Grace Bundick, before 1725;2,1 he married (2), as her 2nd husband, Ann (…), whose ancestry is unknown (or not traced here), after 1735.2

John left a will dated 5 September 1777, and proved 14 April 1778:
In the Name of God Amen this fifth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven I John Truax of Freehold in the County of Monmouth and Eastern Division of the State of New Jersey yeoman. Being in Tolerable Good health and sound of Mind and Memory Thanks be to Almighty God for the same Duly Considering the uncertainty of this Transitory Life that all flesh must yield unto Death when it shall please God to Call. Do make, ordain, and Declare this my last will and testament in Manner and form following Viz

Imprimus I Give and Recommend my soul to Almighty God my Merciful Creator assuredly Believing I shall receive full Pardon and Remission of all my sins and be saved by the Previous Death and Merits of my Blessed Redeemer Jesus Christ. And my Body I recommend to the Earth to be Decently Buried at the Discretion of My Executor herein after named. Nothing Doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the Mighty Power of God. And such Worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to Bless [me] with in this Life I do order give and dispose of the same in the form and manner following. That is to say.

First my mind and will is that just Debts and Duties as I do owe in Right or Conscience to any Person or Persons Whatever shall be well and truly paid in convenient time after my decease by my Executors herein after named.

Item I give and Bequeath unto my Dearly Beloved Wife Ann Truax after my just Debts and Funeral Charge are paid One Feather Bed and Bedding Convenient for a Wid[ow]. Also forty Pounds of Mony, New York Currencie, to be levied out of My Estate and paid by my Executor hereafter named as soon as is convenient after my Decease. My will is that if my Beloved wife Ann Truax should Decease before me, that the above Legacy shall be equally divided Between her two Daughters Viz Gertie the Wife of John Updyck and Sythey the Wife of Abraham Truax, to them their heirs and assigns forever

Item I Give and Bequeath unto my son John Truax one pound Proclamation Mony to be paid unto him after my Decease as Heir at Law or otherwise.

And my Will is that all my Estate shall be sold at Public Vandue by my Executor after named and the Mony arising from the sale of said Estate, together with the Just Debts due to me from my three sons Viz John Truax fifty eight pounds light Mony my son Ruluf Truax the sum of thirty four pounds light Mony. And my son William Truax the sum of Eleven pounds 16 shillings light mony. My Will is that each of their Respective Debts shall be accounted to them and each of them as a part of their Legacy.

Item I give and Bequeath unto my three sons and two Daughters and the two sons of my son William Truax Deceased the Whole of My Estate after my Debts, Funeral Charges and the sums Particularly above mentioned are Discharged Viz one sixth part to each of my three sons Viz to my son John Truax one sixth part. To my son Abraham Truax one sixth part to my son Ruluf Truax one sixth part. I say to each of these my sons and their Heirs. To my Daughter Mary and her Husband Thomas Craig one sixth part. To my Daughter Elsey and her Husband Matthias Vankirk one sixth part. I say to each of them and their Heirs. And one sixth part to be equally divided between William Truax and John Truax the two sons of my son William Truax Deceased. But their Mother Susannah Truax shall have the Interest of the Legacy coming to her two sons William and John Truax so long as she continues my son William Truaxs Widow.

My Will is that the Legacy left to my wife and the twenty shillings mentioned to my son John be taken out of my Estate before the above mentioned Division be made.

I Do Nominate, constitute and appoint my Beloved friend James Reid and John Jamison to be Executors to this my Last Will and Testament, and Do hereby utterly disallow, Revoke, Dissannul, and make the all and every other former Testaments, Wills, Legacies and Executors, by me in any wise before this time named written or Bequeathed, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament.

In witness whereof I the said John Truax have hereunto set my hand and seal the day year above written

Published Pronounced and declared by the said Testator John Truax to be his Last Will and Testament and as such signed sealed and Delivered in the presence of us
William Laird
Richard Pettinger
Valentine Welch.3

Family 1

Sytje van Kerken b. 29 May 1704, d. aft. 25 Aug 1735
  • John Truax+1 b. say 1723, d. aft. 1784
  • Abraham Truax b. say 1725
  • William Truax2 b. 6 Dec 1727, d. 3 Aug 1771
  • Mary Truax2 b. say 1729
  • Elsey Truax2 b. 4 Mar 1733
  • Rulef Truax2 b. 25 Aug 1735

Family 2

Ann (…) d. 1785
This person was last edited on16 Apr 2023


  1. [S1101] Barbara Carver Smith, The Truax/Truex Family of Monmouth and Ocean Counties, New Jersey, 1675-1990: Descendants of Philippe Du Trieux(Lakewood, New Jersey: p.p., 1991), 6-7, further cited as Smith, Truax of New Jersey.
  2. [S1102] Jennifer Smith and Anita Bruihl Bradford, The Truax/Truex Genealogy Project, 5 Volumes (title varies) volumes (Carmel, Indiana: The Association of Philippe du Trieux Descendants, 2002), 5:3-4, further cited as Smith and Bradford, Truax Project.
  3. [S1033] New Jersey, Record of wills in New Jersey, 1705-1804, 20:154, FHL microfilm 522723, further cited as New Jersey Wills.