William Hallock

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ChartsAncestors of Edward Ambrose Cooke
William Hallock, whose ancestry is unknown (or not traced here), was born at England, about 1610.1 He died at Aquebogue, Suffolk Co., New York, 28 September 1684.1

William married Margaret Howell, whose ancestry is unknown (or not traced here), say 1640.1,2

For £40, he purchased a parcel from Thomas Mapes, 14 February 1667/68:
All that the whom lott and dwelling house thereon erected wherein Thomas Brush did formerly inhabit with all doores, locks, garden, orchards etc, with one third lott of erable Land in the Old field:--foretenn acres of woodland at the Northsea:--two thirds of one eighteen acre Lott, adjoyning to the said Lott, only a highway betwixt: two six acre lotts at Toms Creeke; --A lot at Hogg Neck:--two thirds of his meadow at Oysterponds,--and full commonage appertaining to a second lott in Southold:--Also three acres in the fresh meadows.3
His land holdings were summarized, 30 September 1675:
William Hallock his Land at Occobock being a second lott buting from sea to sea, the Land of Thomas Osman on the east, and the land of John Concklinne west.
His meadowe on this side the River--the meadowe of Thomas Mapes on the east--Barnabas Wines his meadowe on the west.
His meadow on the further side the River--Widow Youngs on the west.
More, Three first lotts of meadowe at Accobauke which he had of Master John Booth by vertue of exchainge--the meadowe of the said Master Booth on on side, and the meadowe of William Purrier on the other.
More a percell of meadow purchased of Samuel King lying at Aucquobouke, and between Mrs Welles her right on the west and Mr Hutchson on ye east
Entd. 30 7th month 1675.4
Nine children are named in William's will. Although the Hallock Genealogy quotes from the Suffolk Court of Sessions giving one of the girls as Mary, they inexplicably show a daughter Margaret, and no Mary. As shown in the will, three of the boys are shown in their order, the girls separately. Because John was disowned as "an Obstinate Apostate," his order among the boys cannot be determined, at least not from the will.5,6

William left a will dated 10 February 1683/84, and proved 21 October 1684:
Recorded for Mr.Hollyoak
The 5th Day of November 1684
Southhold February 10th 1684
In the name of God amen. To all Christian people Greeting Know yee that I Wm Hollyoake of this Towne being through Gods blessing of sound memory and in good health of body doe Constitute Ordaine and Declare these presents to be my last will and Testament in manner and forme as followeth
1. I Committ my Soule into the hands of Jesus Christ my Gracious Redeemer and then my body being dead unto the Earth by Decent burial in assured hope of its Ressurreccon Againe att the last day.

As for my wordly Estate, my will is to give and hereby I doe give unto my beloved wife Margarett Hollyoake all that my third Lott in the Towne platt next to Tookers Land with the meadow called booths meadow with all the Commonages and appurtenances thereunto belonging to have and Enjoye to her use and benefit During her natural Life and noe Longer Only she is to give my Sonne William liberty to sett up an house in some Convenient Place & what other benefit of said Land she shall thinke fit. Alsoe I give her the third plt of an the yearly Produce and Proffitt of the Land now Improved in my lott att Occabarke where I now Dwell, on both sides the Land or way that Divides itt which Parte she Shall have without any Charge of Improvemt whatsoever with full power to dwell and Reside in my Dwelling house there att any or all times as she shall please without any Lett as she shall please which third parte and house I give her only Dureing for her Widdowhood And noe Longer, Also I give her fouer Milch Cowes as she shall Choose to be her Property to keepe or Allicnate as she will And Alsoe I give her all payres of working Cattle that shall be in my Possession att my Death togather with all Cartes Carteweeles Plowes plow Chaines and all other Appurtennances belonging to Carts or Plows to be her's and at her Disposall during her Widdowhood Alsoe I leave with her all my household goods of all sorts for her use During widowhood and when She Please to Divide them equally to my five Children daughters [interlined] According to her Discretion Also all the rest of my Cattle horses, and Swine I leave with her for her use and benefit During hwiddowhood and when she please to Divide them Equally As she can to my three Sonn's (viz) Thomas Peter and Wm and tis my will that these Divisions of the household goods to my Daughters and of the Cattle hourses and Swine to my Sonns be made in the time of her Widdowhood

I give to my Sonne Thomas Hollyoake all the land except the Swamp lott on the Westerne Side of the Land or way by my Dwelling house, which land or way as it now Runneth Shall forever Divide the land now in Tilliage and shall always Remaine in Common betweene the Said two Parcells butt my will is that the Rest of this my lott att Occabuck to the South and to the north and thereof shall be equally Divided between them my Sonne Thomas and My Sonne Peter According to the full half of the whole breadth thereof all which Westerne Side of Said lott I give as Above said to my Sonne Thomas (except what is Excepted) To have and to hold possesse and enjoye Dureing his Naturall life with all the Issues and profits that shall thence arrize (Excepting Wifes thirds and what I shall hereafter Order him to pay out of the premisces And att the Death of my Said Sonne Thomas I doe give all the Premisses in this Article Contained unto the lawfull heire of the body of the said Thomas during the natural life of such his heire and soe my will is that it shall Desend from heire to heire forever without any Power of Sale or any Other Alienacon whatsoever further more in manner aforesaid I give Unto him my Sonne Thomas and his Successive heirs one half parte of my three Pieces of meadow which are Situated as followeth the one of them layeth on the East side of Booths meadow it being by the Exchanged with Capt John Youngs the other piece lyeth between Case meadow and and Wm Wells his meadow, which piece I bought of Samuell King and the third piece lyeth on the west side of Duke Creeke being a second lott half of each of those Pieces of meadow I give unto my said Sonne Thomas and I give the westernside of my lott and in the same tenure to his heires for ever to be Devided in Equall Share between him and my Sonne Peter Hollyoak or my Sonne Wm Hollyoake or any Succeding heire of his or their bodyes whether Sonne or Daughter Whom I doe hereby Constitute my heire to any part of my land given or to be given to any of my now named Sonns and if such as I Constitute to Succeed them Shall Apostate from the Protestant Doctrine and faith of the Church of England as it is their now by law Established And if he or they or any one of them or any heire to my land whome I Ordaine to succeed him or them or any heire that Shall Succeed forever shall att any time hereafter take upon him or them or any of them, any profession of Such Doctrine and faith whereby they or any of them Shall be drawne away from attendance upon the Publique Worship of God Practiced in this Place and warranted by holy Scripture Suitable to the Protestaint doctrine & faith Above said, for that hee or they or any of them Shall will fully and on sett propose Contemne and neglect the said Publiq Worship of God and further it is my positive Will that if he the sd Thomas or any of my other Sonns or any Successive hereafter him or them or either of them Shall Expouse and Contract Marriage with any Quaquer or to the sonn or Daughter of Any Quaquer as they are now called then it is my positive will and I doe hereby wholly fully and absolutely Disowne and doe disinherritt the said Thomas Peter and William and doe deprive him and them and any of them and Any that may Succeed him them and any of them if they shall Soe Apostate and soe marry Utterly Casting every of them out of any of my lands and Depriving every of them of any Claime benefit and advantage of this my Will & Testamet And in Such Case of such Apostacy or marriage, I doe hereby Will give bequeath Such parte of my land soe forefieted by Such Wicked practices unto the next lawfull heire that shall Steadfastly Professe and owne the Doctrine and faith first above Specified and to the heires that shall Succeed him in the same Tenure as I now give my land === my === Sonns soe that this forfeiture shall cut off the land from the heire of the body of such Apostate and marriage.

I give unto my Sonne Peter Hollyoak all the land on the east side of the land or way by my Dwelling house att Occabanck and the swamp Lott According to the Division Above said in the third Article between my Sonne Thomas and him I give it unto him my sonne Peter To have hold possesse and enjoye During his natural life with the Issues and Proffitts that shall there arise (Except his mother's thirds) And aft his death I give it to them that shall Succeed Him in the same Manner as the third Article it is Given to them Shall Succeed my sonne Thomas with all the same Condicions, Exceptions, Reservations, Proveisions, Deprevations and forfeitures Menconed In the third Article of this My will and in noe other way and manner whatsoever
I give unto my Sonne Wm Hollyoak (att his Mothers Decease) all that my third lott in the Towne platt which third lott lyes next to Tookers land with the Meadow Called Booths Meadow and A parcel of meadow being to the east side of Quash neck to all the Commonages and appurtenances thereunto belonging to have and to hold to him the said Wm Hollyoade Dureing his natural life. And att his Death I give it to them that Shall succeed him in the Same Manner as in the third Article it is given to them that shall Succeed my Sone Thomas with all the Conditions Exceptions Reversions Reservacions Deprevations and forfeitures Mentioned in the said third Article of this my will and in noe other way and Manner whatsoever

Item I Give unto my Sonne Peter Hollyoak the other half of the three pieces of Meadow Menconed in the third Article whereof the former halfe is in Said third Article Given unto my Sonne Thomas to be divided between Thomas and Peter as equally as may be in the same tenure as he hath Easterne side of the lott at Occabancke and noe Otherwise

My will is that the first yeare after my wifes decease my Sonne Thomas and Peter shall each of them pay or Cause to be payed unto my Daughter Mary the Summe of five pounds in Currant pay of this place and each yeare following they shall pay each of them five pounds to each of my other Daughters According their Age That is to say the second yeare after my wifes Death to Martha five pounds A piece, the third year they shall each of them pay five pounds A piece to Sarah, the fourth After my wifes Death each of my Said Sonns Shall pay five pounds a piece to Elizabeth And the fifth yeare they shall pay each of them five pounds to Abigall my youngest daughter all those Paymets to be in Currant pay of this Place

Lastly My will is that my beloved Wife Margarett Hollyoak be and hereby I doe Appoint her the Sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament And I doe Desire my two Neighbours James Recues and Caleb Horton to be Assistant to my Executrix with their best Advice and Coucil Aboute Such Matters as she shall thinke meete to Advise with them Alsoe my Will is that all my Debts and funeral Charges be paid by my Executrix out of Such Stock of Cattle hourses and Swine as I leave with her before that she Divides them to my three Sons (Viz) Thomas Peter and Wm

Alsoe my will is that my sonne John Hollyoake whom (as an Obstinate Apostate I doe reject and And Deprive of all Other my Estate yet I doe hereby give Unto him his heires and Assignes forever my Second Lott att the Wading Creeke with the Appurtenances there unto belonging which is all that he is ever to have of my Estate

and in Confirmation that these Presents are my last and Irrevocable Will I have this 10th of February in the thirty fourth yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord King Charles the Second sett hereunto my hand and Seale

William Hoyoake his H mark
Signed Sealed in the Presence of us Wittnessas
Stephen Bayley
Thomas Mapes Jun
Joshua Horton
Jonathan Horton
Abraham Covey

These foure Wittnesses Sworne In Court of Sess. To the Trueth of the Above said Will and Testament that they see Said J. Colloak signe and Seale this as his Last Will and Testament and is Entered into the Record for this County folio 155.

Attest John Howell Clkarke to the Court of sessions now Sitting in Southold this 21st Day of October 1684
An Inventory of the Estate of William Hollyok who Deseased this Life the 28 Day of September in the year 1684
Imprimus Lands and Maddows
Itt houses
Itt beds & beding 30:00:00
Itt pewter brase & iron 40:00:00
Itt wooden and Earthen Warrs 9:00:00
Itt Sheetts and Table Linning 6:00:00
Itt his warring Clothes 11:10:00
Itt horses Cattle & Swine 80:07:00
Itt all Implyments of husbandry 12:00:00
The Tottall Is 188:17:00
This Inventroy Taken by us this 17th of Octo 1684
James Robbins Thomas MapesJun The above said Appraisement is as Money Entered in folio 157 in the Records for the County of Suffolk
Jno Howell Clarke.5


Margaret Howell d. 9 May 1708
  • Thomas Hallock+1 d. 19 Mar 1717/18
  • Elizabeth Hallock6
  • Mary Hallock6
  • Martha Hallock6
  • Sarah Hallock6
  • Abigail Hallock6 b. abt. 1656
  • John Hallock6 b. abt. 1658
  • Peter Hallock6 b. abt. 1665, d. abt. 9 Mar 1703/4
  • William Hallock6 b. abt. 1667, d. 19 Jun 1736
This person was last edited on2 Jan 2021


  1. [S1819] Hallock Family Association, 1992 Addendum to a Hallock Genealogy of 1928: An Attempt to Update the Numerous Descendants of Peter Hallock, Believed to Have Landed in Southold, Long Island, About 1640, and Settled at Aquebogue, Near Mattituck(Baltimore, Maryland: Gateway Press, 1992), WHf-1, further cited as Hallock Family Association, Addendum to a Hallock Genealogy.
  2. [S1872] Clarence Almon Torrey, New England Marriages Prior to 1700, 3 vols. (Boston, Massachusetts: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2011), 687, further cited as Torrey, New England Marriages (2011).
  3. [S1792] J. Wickam Case, Southold Town Records, Two Volumes. Southampton, New York: Towns of Southampton and Riverhead, 1882-1884, 1:224. CD-ROM reprint, Genealogy and History of Southold, New York (http://genealogycds.com: genealogycds.com, 2003), further cited as Case, SHTR.
  4. [S1792] Case, SHTR, 1:223.
  5. [S1034] New York Co., New York, Record of wills, 1665-1916; index to wills, 1662-1923, 3:2-7, further cited as New York Co. Wills.
  6. [S1819] Hallock Family Association, Addendum to a Hallock Genealogy, WHf-2.