Peter Cook

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ChartsDescendants of Ellis Cook-6 Generations
Peter Cook, son of Epaphras Cook and Sarah / Rebekah Smith, was born about 1768.1,2,3 He died 11 April 1841, at age 73,1,3,4 and was buried at Southampton, Suffolk Co., New York.4

Peter married Lydia Ball, daughter of Samuel Ball and Deborah/Sarah (…), in 1797.5


Lydia Ball b. 2 Nov 1773, d. 9 Mar 1832
This person was last edited on9 Sep 2015


  1. [S80] George H. Cook, Notes for a Genealogy of the Family of Ellis Cook, of Southampton, L.I., N. Y.(New Brunswick, New Jersey: p.p., [1886]), 14, further cited as Cook, Notes for Ellis Cook.
  2. [S171] George Rogers Howell, The Early History of Southampton L.I., New York with Genealogies. Revised, Corrected and Enlarged. Albany, New York: Weed, Parsons and Co., 2nd ed., 1887, 216. CD-ROM reprint, Genealogy and History of the Town of Southampton, New York (, 2007), further cited as History of Southampton.
  3. [S964] James W. Moore, Rev. John Moore of Newtown, Long Island, and Some of His Descendants(Easton, Pennsylvania: Chemical Publishing, 1903), 374, further cited as Moore, Moore Genealogy.
  4. [S975] William A. D. Eardeley, "Inscriptions from the Town Cemetery, Southampton, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York, 1681-1885," Typescript (35 p.) at the Queens Borough Public Library, Jamaica, New York: (1913), microform copy: FHL Film #17924, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, 5, stone #61, further cited as "Southampton Cemetery Inscriptions."
  5. [S1990] Charles Ethelbert Willis and Frances Caroline Willis, A History of the Willis Family of New England and New Jersey and Their Ancestors Comprising the Families of Farrand, Ball, Kitchell, Cook, Ward, Fairchild, Plume, Bruen, Smith, Treat, Pierson, Crane, Cooper, Sanford, Sheafe and Others To which is added a History of the Family of John Howard, Esq. of Richmond, Virginia and the Harris and Macleod Families of Georgia(Richmond, Virginia: William A. Garrett, 1916), 310, further cited as Willis and Willis, History of the Willis Family.
  6. [S1990] Willis and Willis, History of the Willis Family, 311.