Thomas Arderne

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ChartsAncestors of Harriet Hanson Robinson
Thomas Arderne, whose ancestry is unknown (or not traced here), died before 16 January 1455, when his will was proved.1

Thomas married Margaret Gascoigne, daughter of Nicholas Gascoigne and Mary Clitheroe.2

Thomas left a will dated 14 December 1453, and proved 16 January 1455:
In Dei nomine, Amen. I Thomas Ardern of Marton, Squyer, beyng in my right and helefull mynde, ordeyns and disposis this my last will in fourme sewyng. First, I gyfe and dispose my saule to our Lorde Jhesu, to oure Lady Saynt Mary, to Saynt John of Bridlyngton and to all ye Sayntis in heven ; and my body to be beryid in ye parish kirke of Bridlyngton. Also I gyfe my hors and harnes for my mortuary. Also I gyfe for my fbrgetyn tendis and offerandis to ye hye awter of my parishe kirke ij s. Also I commyt the disposicion of myne exequies and of all myne othir gudis moveable and unmovable to my wife Margaret, to Robert Thorpp of Scardeburgh and to Robert Warde of Besinby, gentilmen, whome I make myne executoures, requiryng thame on Goddis behalve that thai, als fer as any parte of my gudis may strech, myne exequies done and avyce afore writen, those gudis distribute and devyde to ye helping of my son Nicholas and of Elizabeth, Margaret, and Cecill my doghters. Also I gife to ich on of myne executours for thare labour xx s. , thame requiring, that yf my eldest sone thame distourbe in yc perfourmyng of this my will, that thai thane aske help of my fadir ye Priour of Bridlyngton and Robert Constable of Flaynburgh, beschyng thame on Goddis behalve and in the way of charitee to helpe to the perfourmyng thar of, and to be glide and tendre mastres to my wife, my childir, and to myne executours, whome I require as thai will ansswere to God at the day of dome to execute this my last will—made ye xiiij. day of Decembre ye yere of our Lord M.cccc.liij.3


Margaret Gascoigne d. bef. 8 Jul 1458
This person was last edited on5 Sep 2016


  1. [S950] Joseph Foster, Pedigrees of the County Families of Yorkshire, Two volumes (London: W. Wilfred Head, 1874), 1:2 (Gascoigne), further cited as Foster, Pedigrees of Yorkshire.
  2. [S2051] J. W. Clay, editor, Dugdale's Visitation of Yorkshire, with additions, 3 volumes (Exeter, England: William Pollard & Co., 1899-1917), 2:448, further cited as Clay, Dugdale's Visitation of Yorkshire.
  3. [S2075] James Raine, John Williams Clay, and James Raine [Jr] Testamenta Eboracensia, or Wills Registered at York: Illustrative of the history, manners, language, statistics, etc., of the province of York, from the year MCCC downwards, 6 vols. (: Surtees Society), 2:195-6, further cited as Raine, Clay, and Raine, Testamenta Eboracensia.