George Woolsey

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ListsGenealogy Notes
ChartsAncestors of Dora Myrtle Woolsey
Richard M. Nixon - Dora Myrtle (Woolsey) Smith
James Earl Carter Jr. - Dora Myrtle (Woolsey) Smith
George Woolsey, son of George Woolsey and Frances Roberts, was born probably shortly before his baptism at St Nicholas, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England, 15 May 1616.1,2 He died at Jamaica, Queens Co., New York, 17 August 1698.3

George married Rebecca Cornell, daughter of Thomas Cornell and Rebecca Briggs, at Reformed Dutch Church, New Amsterdam, New Netherlands, 9 December 1647.3,4,5 Two articles published in 1873 appear to be the source of much mis-information and conjecture in many Woolsey family histories. From the first article there are two items of interest. First, Benjamin Woolsey is mentioned as one of a number of non-conformist preachers who left Yarmouth, England and later were preachers at Rotterdam.6

George Woolsey, an English boy, b. in 1610, had resided with his parents in Holland, say in Rotterdam. By tradition, he came over in a Dutch vessel with Dutch emigrants in 1623, only thirteen years old, and went to Plymouth, Mass. After the Dutch advertisement, in 1647, when he was thirty-seven years old, he makes his first appearance to us. On July 23d he was called up before the Dutch magnates and made oath as "George Woolsey, from Yarmouth, England," that "Fiscal Van Dych had accepted a present from Thomas Willett, on board his vessel." Someone had complained of this. The present was a beaver skin;' and this is the first account we have of a custom-house present at New York, and the others we have are less "official." . . . On August 10th, 1647, George Woolsey received a deed from Thomas Robertson, a previous English settler, of a house and plantation at Flushing, L. I. In December of the same year, disguised in Dutch, and called "Joris Wolzen," he was married at the Dutch church in New York. His wife was named Rebecca, probably Cornell. His first children were baptized in 1650 at the Dutch church in New York. He has many descendants now living among us and on Long Island.7

From the second article, in the same volume:
George Woolsey, the settler, b. at Yarmouth, England, Oct 27, 1610, resided, as is supposed, for some time in Holland, with his father, Benjamin Woolsey, son of Thomas. He came to this country while yet a mere boy with Dutch emigrants in 1623. He was after wards engaged in trade for several years in New Amsterdam with Isaac Allerton, who came as a passenger in the Mayflower. In 1647 he purchased a plantation at Flushing, L. I., but subsequently removed to Jamaica, L. I., among its original settlers, where he d. Aug 17, 1698, ae.87. His will bears date Nov. 2, 1691, and names with his wife Rebecca, daughters Sarah (Hallet), Mary and Rebecca (Wiggins). He seems to have had three sons, George Woolsey, Jr., and Thomas and John Woolsey. Of the last two sons and their descendants, if any, the writer knows nothing.8
The first record yet found mentioning George Woolsey in New York is a declaration made 23 July 1647: "George Wolsey, from Yarmouth, Eng., that fiscal Van Dyck had accepted a present from Thomas Willett, on board his vessel."9

Next is a deed, 16 August 1647: "I Thomas Robertson have sold to George Wolsey a house and plantation standing and situate in Flushing and the main bounds are to be seen in the book of the Town of Flushing; together with all the grain that is now on it and everything that is fastened by earth and nail, for the sum of one hundred and thirty guilders which is now paid me. At Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland."10 However, in 1662, George Woolsey and three others gave a notarized statement that they knew that Lady Moody and her associates did come to dwell among them at Gravesend in 1643, with the permission of the former Director General, and they would confirm that by oath if necessary. The implication is that George was also in New Amsterdam by 1643 to have first-hand knowledge of the Director's permission for Lady Moody's residence there.11

23 Jan 1648, he was appointed fire warden:
It has been noticed and seen by the Director General of New Netherland, Curacao and the Islands and by the Honble Council, that some careless people neglect, to have their chimneys properly swept and that they do not take care of their fires, whereby lately fires broke out in two houses and further troubles may be expected in the future, the more so, as most of the houses here in New Amsterdam are built of wood and roofed with reeds, also as in some house the chimneys are of wood, which is very dangerous. Therefore the Honble General and Council have deemed it advisable and very necessary, to consider this matter and they command and forbid, that henceforth no wooden or merely plastered chimneys shall be put into any house between the Fort and the Fresh Water; the chimneys, already in use, may remain until further orders and at the discretion of the firemasters. That the foregoing may be well observed, there are appointed for this purpose as firemasters: from the Honble Council Commissary Adrian Keyser, from the community Tomas Hall, Marten Krigier and George Wolsey, to visit whenever they please, the chimneys in all houses between this Fort and the Fresh Water, wherever in the City they may stand and to ascertain, whether they are kept clean by sweeping and if they find them neglected and foul, they shall immediately, without contradiction, levy and collect a fine of three guilders for each chimney so found foul and condemned, this fine to be applied to the purchase of fireladders, hooks and buckets, which are to be procured at the first convenient opportunity. And if anybody's house is burned either by negligence or his own fire, he shall pay a fine of 25 fl., to be applied as above.
     Done at Fort Amsterdam and published January 23, 1648.
"Nothwithstanding this ordinance, and its reaffirmation from time to time, it was obstinately neglected by many inhabitants."12,13,14

In 1653, the Indians on Long Island were causing troubles, both among themselves, and for the Dutch. They took steps to strengthen their small militia, known as the Burgher Corps and Joris Woolsey was one of four "cadets" of Company 3, ranking between Lance Corporal and Private.15

He was before the Court of Burgomasters and Schepens of New Amsterdam as plaintiff, defendant, or arbitrator in the suits of others, stemming from his merchant activities:16
1653, Adrian Keyser, pltf v/s Joris Wolsey, deft, [cause & amount not stated], deft in default.17

15 Sep 1653, Paulus Schrick as agent of Jan Labote, pltf vs Joris Wolsey, deft. Joris signed a receipt for peltry [pelts?] 24 Aug 1649 but for his Master Isaac Allerton and fl.184:3 still remained to be paid. George acknowledged the amount was still owed, but argued that he was not obligated to pay the debts of Allerton. The court disagreed, as George had signed the note and had already made payments on it as factor of Allerton. 26 Jan 1654, "the Officer" was ordered and authorized to execute that judgement.18

12 Apr 1657, Joris Wolsey & Wm Harek ask the Burgomasters to give new notice to Jan Lawrence to appear regarding the ship Adventure.19

1658, Joris Wolsey, pltf vs Jan Coopal, deft; demands payment of 200 guilders for 13 hogsheads of bad tobacco from Virginia sold to the deft. Pltf stated there were two or three others who would buy the tobacco, but the deft bought it "as it came from Virginia." Although several gave statements that the tobacco was all trash, Woolsey had fulfilled his part of the contract, and Coopal "was therefore condemned by the Court to satisfy and pay Joris Wolsy for the tobacco in dispute."20

1660 - Joris Wolsey, pltf, v/s Joris Dopzen, deft in which Joris was the attorney for Jorge Dod demanding fl 147 according to an unspecified obligation. Deft demands a copy of the obligation saying there was some error in it. The court granted the copy to the deft who would point out the error the next court day. They appeared as ordered and when the error was pointed out, the deft acknowledging he owed five and forty guilders which the court then ordered him to pay.21

1660, Joris Wolsey, pltf, v/s Jirrien Janzen, cooper, deft, demanding fl. 33: 8 stivers in zeewan according to an obligation exhibited in Court. This was the defts 2nd default and Court ordered the deft to deposit the monies with the Secretary of the City.22

English himself, but raised in Holland, he was often called on to arbitrate disputes between English and Dutch merchants, or involved tobacco:
1659, Gysbert Op Dyck, pltf v/s Ritzert Smitt deft [cause not stated].23

Sep 1660, Eduoard Priscott, pltf v/s Tomas Grengert, deft, for two hogsheads of tobacco and freight charges.24

14 Sep 1660, Jan Teller, pltf v/s Mr. Priscot, deft, over 32 english shillings for two months wages.25

1661, Tomas Rieckt, pltf v/s Hendrick Kerckhoven, deft, over fifty pounds of tobacco.26

4 Sep 1663, Thomas Willet, pltf v/s Reinier Rycken, deft over a shipment of goods from Boston consigned to Abraham Crombey, demanding £71-10 in silver pay. Crombey had a deposit of tobacco with Rycken, which was offered in payment. Woolsey and others were to determine the value of the tobacco that could be applied to the debt.27

25 Sep 1663, Jan Blacklets, plft v/s Samuel Etsal, deft, over £49 sterling for horses not paid, but the defendant countered that the plft had not sent £126 worth of other goods, the profits from which would have allowed the deft to pay the debt.28

13 Nov 1663, Willem Willekes, pltf v/s Reinier Willemzen, baker, deft, over an unspecified account.29

9 Oct 1656, George Woolsey who, as representative of Isaac Allerton, Sr., resided in Allerton's warehouse, applied to the city court for permission to keep a tavern there: "Whereupon was endorsed--For reason petitioner's request is now denied."30 On the 24th, he petitioned the supreme council which gave its consent on the 26th, for one year.31

9 Jan 1657 - "Whereas it was yesterday resolved and determined to summon all the tapsters within the City to City Hall; there they therefore appear." George Wolsey was in the list. The meeting was to discuss a new ordinance to license and regulate the tavern business within the city.32

In his undated will, Isaac Allerton gave a list of accounts "at the Duch," wherein he mentioned "George Woolseye" or his "booke" four times, including 20li [florin?] that Woolseye was holding "that came fro. Mr. Thomas Mayhue for mee." The inventory had been taken 12 Feb 1658/9 and the will presented to the New Haven (Connecticut) court, 19 Oct 1659.33

9 Dec 1659, Isaac Allerton Jr., appeared before the court of burgomasters and schepens, and requested the court "appoint curators to the residuary estate in this country, of his father deceased, and regarding the papers remaining at New Haven in the hands of the Court there, he requests that they be written to, to send the same Here." The curators appointed by the city court are Paulus Leendertsen vander Grift, Govert Loockermans, Jan Lauwerens (John Lawrence), and George Woolsey---he being agent of the deceased Allerton. "After much conversation," they accepted the designation as curators on the 16th in the presence of the city court. Apparently the court neglected to give the four an Act of Authorization to act as curators, which they remedied, 29 Mar 1661.34,35

8 Jan 1659, Jeen Hom, widow of Joris Hom (George Holmes) came to the Orphans Court regarding his estate. As there was no testament, nor yet an inventory, she was ordered to take an inventory of her property and call for assistance two persons of her choice and report back the following Wednesday, "so that the children may have their paternal estate. She promises to do her best."36 When she reappears in court, when asked about the inventory, she dodges the question, answering that she has promised Joris Wolsy and Tomas Hall to give each child at marriage 200 fl. Wolsy and Hall want to take the money into their charge, but she cannot agree to that. The Orphanmasters simply authorized Wolsy and Hal to make an agreement with the widow for the settlement upon the children of their father's estate and to report back to the board, "and to have a good care of the children and their property.37 26 Feb 1659, Joris Woolsy and Tomas Hall were appointed to look after the children and property, "Therefore, considering the necessity, that a correct inventory of the estate, loeft by deceased, should be made, to prevent harm to the rights and possessions of the children on one side and the widow on the other, the Orphanmasters herewith order and authorize said guardians, to make as soon as possible a correct inventory of all property, movable and immovable, debts and credits of the deceased here in the country and to agree with the widow concerning the paternal inheritance of the children, reporting the same to this Board within 8 days or next Wednesday, the 5th of March."38 The record of that inventory & agreement does not appear in the minutes.

By Feb 1661, an unknown person had died and Jan Lauwerens and Joris Wolsy were selected as guardians and administrators to settle the estate "so that the children may obtain the inheritance from their parents" and the two were directed to make an inventory as soon as possible and report back to the Board.39 A month later, 2 Apr 1661, the two oldest children Jan Jemptingh, 25, son of Jene Hom by her first husband, and Priscille Hom, daughter of Jene Hom, requested that the estate be distributed by selling the house, plantation, and other property. Jan Jemptingh also stated the cattle belonged to him as old Jan had given him 70 fl., for which his mother had bought a cow of which the cattle were the increase. He was instructed to prove it. George was asked to do his best for the estate and suggested he thought it best to sell the house and lot of George Hom in the City in two parcels. The Orphanmasters granted this authority, as well as to sell the plantation and other property.40 However, it appears the plantation was never sold. In 1671, Gov Lovelace thought the property did not properly belong to anyone and granted it John Manning. However, in 1677, the children of George Holmes applied for a confirmation of their patent, which was granted and the Lovelace patent was recalled.41

In 1662, Mattheus de Vos, pltf as attorney of Joannes van der Meulen v/s Jan Lauwerens and George Wolsey, defts as guardains of the minor ghildren of George Hom, prosecuted an attachment on a cow in the hands of defts, but belonging to Jonas Willemsen, he having married the daughter of George Hom, and also the fourth part of the rent by virtue of an obligation executed by Willemsen. The court messenger stated he had attached the cow, and that it was with Jan Lauwrence's brother [not named]. Defts also stated that Willemsen's wife has passed the obligation. The court ordered the pltfs to look to Willemsen's wife for payment.42 5 Dec 1662, Jacob Janzen Huys and Joannes van der Meulen appeared in court regarding a mortgage executed by Jonas Willems for monies advanced to him which should have paid by exchange in Holland drawn to secure the mortgage on the claim in the inheritance of his wife's parents' estate; and whereas the bill of exchange was not paid in Holland, they demand by virture of preference which they claim to have, that Willemsen's share of the rent of the house and lot within the City be sequestrated and the house sold by execution, and that they look for their payment to certain cows in the hands of Jan Lauwrerens and Joris Wolsy, curators of the estate. The court decreed that pltfs summon Jonas Willemsen's wife by the next court day.43

7 May 1664. Because he had removed from the City, George asked to be removed from the guardianship of the Homs children, offering to deliver the monies of the estate and indicating Joannes van der Meulen had attached Priscilla Hom's share. The court decreed that Jan Lauwerens would continue as guardian and that Jan Jamping and Priscilla Hom having arrived at their majority would take the place of Joris Wolsey and that the monies belonging to the estate and remaining with Jan Lauwerens would go to repairs of the house and whatever Jan Jampingh and Priscilla Hom may execute against the estate would be done with the advise and consent of Jan Lauwerens.44

He and Caspar Steimits were administrators of property inherited by Mary Botlaar. After examining the accounts, the Orphanmasters decided that Joris still owed Mary 36fl. 13 st. and three cows and their increase since 1654; Caspar, 89 fl. 12 1/2 st. and they were ordered to pay as soon as possible.45

16 Apr 1661, Charles Bridges conveyed to George Wolsey a parcel described as: "By the water side to the N. of the Waal, having to W. a small street or lane; to N. the Hight Street; and to E. Charles Bridges; and to S. the street afsd. Cont'g in br on S. side 34 ft. and on N. side, 24 ft; in length on each side, 92 ft." Although this deed of 1661 is missing, it is recited in a second grant, 11 Feb 1668 by Governor Nicolls to George Wolsey. George later sold the parcel to William Pattison in February 1669.46

In 1663, two Dutch sailors, Jasper Abrahamsen and Hendrick Jansen of The Purmerland Church were convicted of several offences:
They violently went about in several houses demanding food and drink, taking what they could seize, beating and abusing people, not even respecting women. They entered the house of George Wolsey, demanding drink, but were thrown out by Wolsey, assisted by Elias Doughty and Richard Cornell, and continued their escapades at the house of Charles Bridges (Carel van Brugge), another Englishman, by whom they were similarly ejected.Jansen also profaned the precincts of Domine Drisius's house and assaulted people in the public streets, and perpetrated other villanies, which were adjudged to be intolerable "in a well regulated place and city such as this is, where justice is administered."

For each of the men, the sentence specified, " . . . be bound to a stake and severely flogged, and the Hangman shall make a gash in his left cheek or jaw so that the blood flows; further he shall be banished for the term of five and twenty years from this City's jurisdiction and be condemned in the costs and mises of justice, which the prisoner whall have to pay before being released from confinement."47,48

By the deposition given in the Moody case and three other journeys to his home recorded by the notary, all in 1662, George seems to have removed to Gravesend or was at least dividing his time between New York and Gravesend by 5 Jan 1662.49 He had certainly removed from New York before May, 1664 when he asked to be discharged from the guardianship of the Homs children as he had removed from New York.44,31

Also about this time, 11 Apr 1662 (this could be misdated) he and others agreed at Jamaica to "bring Mest Prudden a loade of Woode a pese yearely." There follows what appears to be a sheet of check marks recording who had fulfilled their committment. George was checked seven times.50

It appears that very early that "Mesr Woolsey" and others in the town drew for 20 acre lots in the meadow. George drew #13; "Mesr Baylis" drew #11, making him a close neighbor and lending some support to the argument that son Thomas married Ruth Baylis.51

15 Feb 1664, John Baylies Junior sold to "Mr George Woolly" his house lott on the west side of the bever pond with 10 acres of Meadow.52

12 Mar 1665/6 at a meeting of the constable and overseers, Geo: Wolsay signed an agreement.53

In an undated memorandum, probably made in 1666 (the nearest dated entry), the town voted and agreed to "Lay out & Mr. Walker, John Oldffields Gorges Wodyes Meadows yt Lott of Medow which was formery Henery Whitneys."54

The town voted that Mr. Coe, Mister Wooley, Ne Denton would take an account of the Constabel and overseers concerning the rates of past year, 4 Apr 1669.55

He was listed as one of those living in the southwest part of the town, 5 Dec 1670.56

24 May 1672, the town authorized him, John Oldfielde Samuell Smith and Nathaniell Denton on behalf of the town to make an agreement with John Pruden to engage for maintenance of certain accommodations in the town under the same terms as they had before.57

He was called to serve as a juror at the General Court of Assizes in New York City, 6-13 October 1675.58

On the 17th of June 1673 he was "deputed to keepe in his posetion for the towne all such dedes and papers as was delivered him by Anthony Waters in the presens of the Towne which was in number eight."59 He likely held this position until his death as Rebecca still had the deeds and patents in her possession in 1708 when the town appointed Nathaniel Denton to retrieve and take custody of them.60 Genealogists should never wonder why records are sometimes missing.

28 May 1674, he agreed to give a day's work to remove a fence at the commons on the old town neck so the cattle could come and go at their pleasure . . . and remain so for perpetuety.61

1 Sep 1674 he is shown owning 20 acres meadow, a small lot of 1 acre, 1/2 upland, and sixty six acres privledge to the meadow.62 In another list, "Mr. Woolsy" is shown as number 29 in "fforsters," and the next column is for River, and he is #15. These may be lot numbers, but it's really not clear what the list represents. The fforsters column starts with 1 in ascending order and the River column is also sequential and in descending order. The nearest date in the book is 1 Sep 1674.63

3 Apr 1678, "Meer Woolsey" was second to Samuell Smith in an election for constable, but the Overseor, Nathaniel Denton noted, "These votes all acounted as nothing in respect that the persons voteing was such as was prohibeted by a late order from the court of asises."64

In 1680, Capt John Young, "High Sheriffe of Yorkshire on Long Island" gave an accounting of his receipts and disbursements, one of which was to George Wolsey of Jameca for £11-4-0 [no reason for the disbursement is given].65

In "A List of the Towne Estate of Jemaica, Anno 1683," George Woolsey sen is shown with 2 horses (all over 3 years), 4 oxen, 6 cows (3yrs: 2, 2 yrs: 4), 36 acres, 2 heads [males over 21], and a total estate of £168-00-00.66

The town voted to sell all the upland that belonged to the town that was within the south portion of the newtown fence. George Woolsey senr was one of several who chose to "Refus to sell their Right in ye forsaid Land."67

In 1684 he and William [---] were chosen overseers of the [---].68

In Jamaica, 3 Jan 1685, George Woolsey and Thomas Wiggins, Sr. et al. are shown as members of a committee which had given a warning to John Bates of Hempstead, "Whereas one John Bates off Hemsted hath contrary to ye mind off ye town thrust himselff into ye town off Jemaica and ye Comitte off ye sd Town having on ye 3d off this presentt January give order for ye fforwarning off him or any others to entertain him & ye sd Bates finding entertainment & still Continuing in ye town the the town doe protest against hsi abiding in ye town or any other enteraining off him umless they will secure ye town from any charge may happen to ye town.69

In 1685, the town was concerned about keeping private their land purchases from the Indians: "It was concluded by the towne that as Mr George Woosie was apoynted by the Towne tokeep the pattent and our indain purchesis soe he is herby ordered not to let any strangers to have a sight of them with out Liberty from the Towne nor any inhabitent of ye Town to see them with out an ofiser of the Towne goe with him. 19 Nov 1685.70

He was named in the Dongan charter to Jamaica, 17 May 1686.71

Before the charter was granted, the council asked for an account of the activities of the citizens who responded with a "Return of Divided Land, Marriages, baptisms and Burials in Jamaica for seven years:"72
Whereas the Sheriff by warrant from the Governor and Councell did demand off us the inhabitants off Jemaica to give an account off the number of Mariages Christnings and burialls and what are the names off all such as hold land from the crown by paten or otherwise or what Rent may bee standing out in Arears etc; to satisffie his excellency wee give an account as Followeth (viz)
Imprim:Land devided eight thousand Acres besides pasture land more or less lying in Common to the town Which wee hold From his Majestie by vertue off purchass From the natives and a patent From his excellency Thomas Dongan Generall Governor etc. bearing date the 17th day off May 1686 by which patent wee are to Make payment off forty shillings per Annum quit Rent."
In a table of "Marriages Chrisnings Burialls," "Mr Woolsy" is shown with one Marriage and one Burial. Although the record is undated, it appears to encompass the seven years prior to the date of the patent, hence covering 1679 to May 1686.

It took ten years, but 27 Mar 1688, the town asked for payment of the expenses and rent for their use of the so-called parsonage lot:
. . . a sertaine parsell of medow called the parsonage Lot in the farthest east Neck let out to Nathaniell Denton Mest Geoge Woolsey Joseph Thurston Thmas Smith Capt Carpentor William Bringkly and John Rhodes February the 24 Anno 1678/9 the commitioners Nath Denton Samuell Smith and John Baylis met together the 27th of March 1688 and ordered the men that had the medow to pay what was due from the[m] for the use of the medow to that time to such men as the Towne was indebted to. Viz to the clerck one pounde six and 8 pens. To John Oldfield and Sam Smith for laying out the parsonige land one pounde ten shillings. And to Samuell Smith and John Rodes for runing the Lyne upon the hills. six shillings. Which was all that was then due to the towne for the use of the medow besides what they had paide before to Nicolas Everit constable and William Bringkly was then debtor to the Towne 1-2-4.73

As the town "holder of deeds," it seems he did not witness many deeds in Jamaica. In a couple of years, just before his death we see four, but none before this time, and it seems more likely that these were witnessed by his son George:
20 Aug 1696 from Joseph Coe to Elderd Lukas74
1 Jun 1697 from Thomas Watters & wife Mary to Elderd Lukas75
21 Jun1697 from Petter White to Benjamin Thirston76
10 Jan 1698/7 from William Oldfeld to Samuell Bayles77

His land is mentioned as abutting various parcels in several land transactions. Some of the later ones could also refer to land of his son George, though most of the time, that man is usually referred to as Capt or Junior:
20 Jan 1687/8 from Danll Whitehead & John & Samuell Dean exchange two parcels, one of which was "twenty acres off land which was fformerly layd out to George Woolsy Junr. lying on ye west side off George Woolsys Senr land..."78

In a description of the lands of Nathaniel Denton senior, "five acres of land in the west field lying betwene mest George Woolsey and the lot that was Roberdt Ashmans. . . "79

3 Mar 1687/8 from William & Kathern Whitt to John Derrikson a parcel bounded on the north by George Woolsey ser and John Wood.80

At an unknown date John Bayles transferred to Hendrick Lott land bounded on the west by land of George Wollsey81

Bounding the north side of a small lot at the east neck owned by Thomas Wiggins Senior and later by Thoms Wiggins Junior after his father's decease.82

6 Apr 1697, from Samuell & Susannah Milles to Samuel Milles Junior four or five acres bounded on the west by George Wollsey83

Sometime before his death, his land bounded on the east his son George's land in the south west field84

22 Feb 1702/3, from Daniell Messenger to Nicolos Everritt about two acres & half, being a part of the devision commonly called the Hill division, bounded on the "west by the land which was layd out to George Wollsey latt of Jamaica deseast . . . ."85

Conveyances of his own lands at Jamaica were recorded as follows:
23 May 1674, the town agreed to lay out the lots of the Minister, George Woosy and John Oldfields "aloweing to every on of them theire full proportion according to the Townes grant to each of them."86

28 May 1674, the town granted lots on the little neck "beyond the haugh tree nek," . . . "the next Lot being Mest George Woolseys and John Lynasses it runs parrallel with the Townes Lot from the Iseland to the creeke and soe from that marked tree upon the Iseland to a sertaine owlde Wallnot tree upon the same Iseland and from that Wallnot tree to a sertaine greate hummake which is the second hummak Lying by the haugh tree creeke and soe to keepe theire bredth cross the Iseland to Midleburrowe Creeke. And then there is an adition to the towne Lot runing parrelel with John Lynases Lying aboute a Rod and a halfe in bredth from the Wallnot tree at frome and soe to run to a sertaine hummak which Lyeth downe lower in the Medowe then the greate hummak. I say to the first tree upon the easte side of the westermost hummak and soe to the creeke or bay."87

7 Jan 1683/4, George and Thomas Wellin exchanged their portions of the meadow, and then, 27 Jun 1687, they voided that exchange, "each to enjoy there own medow ffully & every part off it as they did possess it before this exchange."88

For a reason not stated, several men of town, joined to give several acres to John Heines of Jemaica. George gave 1/2 an acre. 12 May 1686. 89

The town made a deed of gift to Thomas Oaklie of some bogie meadow amounting to about 6 acres. A few days later, a few men protested the record that was made:
". . . we hose names are under written doe acknowledg that we have given to Thomas Okelie our right in six acres of bogie midow lying beynod ye small lots on ye east sid of Fosters River but for what their is more than six acres we here in a town meting opinly declere that we never gave him any right unto and doe theirfore protest against ye Record in page 80." George was one who signed both documents.90

20 Jan 1686/7, an agreement between George Woolsy Senr & Samuell & John Dean exchanged two 20 acre parcels, with George receiving the piece that lay to the west of land he already owned.91

7 Mar 1686/7, he, wife Rebeckah, and Benjamin Coe sold 50 acres to John Monfort of Flatlands; thirty acres from George, twenty acres from Benjamin.92

20 Jun 1693, he and wife Rebeckah sold an acre and a half of meadowland to Joseph Phillips.93

30 Sep 1695, he and wife Rebecah sold to Hendricke Lotte 22 acres.94

6 Apr 1700, Capt George Wollsey sold to Nicollos Everritt for £14 certain pece or parcell of upland . . . all . . . beinge the hill devition did belonge to my father George Wollsey late of Jamaica deseast, containinge about 10 acres more or less as it was layd out with all prevelidges & apurtenses thereunto belongeinge together with all timbers trees woods under woods whether staninge or lyeinge beinge in wais appertaineinge to the same . . . .95

10 Dec 1695, his land holdings at that time were listed as:96
"40 acors and a half in ye south west fild ye first log bounde on ye east with Goodman Ouldfild and ye north wt Ouldfild and Elias Baylis on ye west wt Georg Wolsie Junr on ye south wt ye comans foure scoure rod squer

More fiften acors of midow upon ye Long Neck bounded on ye north wt Goodman Hige on ye south to Goodman Ouldfild on ye east with the crik on ye wast by ye Island

More a hom lot and seaven acors more les joyning to the end of his homelot"

15 May "in ye sixth yeare of His Majsts reign" [1693], Mr George Wollsey Seanor petitioned the Court of Comon Pleas at Jamaica "that ye men chassen by the Town of Jamaica yt if not allredy done for ye regulating of high wayes and fences acordinge to an act of genrall assembley be forthwith in prosecution & that thay forthwith in a particuler mannor take notice of ye highway of Mr. Wollsey acordinge to ye tenure of seaid petetion by order of cort."84

About 1695 (the record seems undated), he is shown on some sort of talley sheet as Good Wolsay, or Goodman Wolsay, a term commonly used for the very elderly.97

A tax list apparently taken before his death in 1698, but not copied into the record until 1708, shows "Mr. Woolsey" at £0-1s-1d-3q[farthings]-0w[wampon].98

George left a will dated 2 November 1691, and proved 22 Sep 1698:99
In the name of God, Amen, I George Wolsey of Jamaica in Queens County upon Long Island being at present weak of body but through Gods mercy, of sound memory and perfect understanding and considering ye frailty of humane nature ye certainty of death ye uncertainly of ye time do make and ordain this to be my last will and testament as followeth, that is to say, first and principally I bequeath my soul to God who gave it cleaned from its sins and uniquely through ye meritts of my blessed Saviour and Redeemer ye Son Jesus Christ and my body to ye dust from which it was first taken to be decently and Christian like intered at ye discretion of my Executors here after named and as for ye worldly estate God hath endowed me with all I do give and bequeath as followeth; That is to say

1st. item - I give and bequeath unto my well beloved and eldest Son, George Wolsey all my lott of land being at ye Beaver Pond within ye town of Jamaica aforesaid. To have and to hold ye said Lott of land with ye appurtenances there on being to him ye said George Wolsey, his heirs and assigns to ye only proper use of him ye said George Wolsey, his heirs and assigns forever,

2nd. item - I give and bequeath unto my well beloved Son, Thomas Wolsey all ye fifteen acre lott of land lying to ye westward of Anthony Walters home lott in Jamaica afor said to have and to hold ye said lott of land all ye appurtenances there unto being to him ye said Thomas Wolsey, his heirs and assigns to ye only proper use, benefitt and behoof of him ye said Thomas Wolsey, his heirs and assigns forever.

3rd. item - I give and bequeath unto my well beloved Son, John Wolsey all ye my thirty acre lott of land lying to ye eastward by ye Little Plains runing within ye bounds of Jamaica a for said to have and to hold the said thirty acre lott of land with its appurtenances to use ye said John Wolsey, heirs and assigns to ye only proper use and benefitt and behoff of him ye said John Wolsey, his heirs and assigns for ever. I do also give and bequeath unto my said Son, John Wolsey after my decease, two oxen and all my wearing apperall.

4th. item - I do give and bequeath unto my well beloved daughter, Mary Wolsey, one feather bed and bolster, two pillows, a pair of sheets and two coverlids to be delivered her at her day of marriage or is when she attains ye age of eighteen years, also one cow to be delivered her at ye same time.

5th. item - I give and bequeath unto my well beloved wife, Rebecca, all ye remainder of my land & tenements, good and chattels to have and to hold to her ye said Rebecca for and during her natural life, after her decease as followeth, that is to say all ye remainder of my house, land and meadow not already given. I do after my wifes decease give and bequeath ye same unto my three Sons, George, Thomas & John Wolsey to be equall in portion without ye benefitt of joint tenancy or survivership and to usery of them, their heirs and assigns for ever and all my goods and chattels of what nature or kind soever ye shall be and remaine after my wifes decease, I give and bequeath unto my three Daughters, that is to say, Sarah Hallet, Rebecca Wiggins & Mary Wolsey to be equally divided between them.

6th. item - I do appoint, make and ordain my well beloved wife, Rebecca to be sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament, desireing all my children to behave themselves to their mother, lovingly each to other.

7th. item - Lastly I do hereby revoke, make void and null all former and other Wills and Testaments by me made and do appoint this to be my last Will and Testament.

As Wittness my hand and seal at Jamaica ye second day of November in ye year of our Lord, Jesus Christ 1691. [signed] George Wolsey (Seal)

Signed sealed and published in ye presence of: Thomas Willett - Daniell Whitehead - Andrew Gibb, Sr.

Queens County (S - - ) At a Court of Common Pleas held at Jamaica this 23rd. of September in ye tenth year of ye reign of William ye Third, by ye grace of God of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, King Defender of ye Faith and the last Will and Testament of ye within written, George Wolsey deceased was forward by ye oaths of Capt. Daniell Whitehead and Andrew Bibb [Gibb?], witnesses there unto subscribed and dye Executor herein mentioned whereby authorized to sact and do what Exectors by law are impowered to do the giving in bond to bring into ye Court of Common Pleas for Queens County a true and perfect inventory of all and a list ye goods and chattels of ye said Testator. Entered the of Sept.1698. Per - A. Gibb (Clerk) Queens County (Seal).

In addition to the record of his children's baptisms in the Reformed Dutch Church of New York, a record was found in the manuscripts of James Riker at the New York Public Library, giving "An Acount of the agees of Mr George Woolseys Children:"
Sarah Woolsey was born in New York August y 3 in ye year 1650. Au 7, she was Baptized in ye English church by Mr. Denton Capt Newton godfather
George Woolsey was born in New York Octobeer ye 10 1652. October ye 12, he was baptized in ye Dutch Church Mrs. Newton godmother
Thomas Woolsey was born at Hemsted April ye 10 1655 & then Baptized by Mr. Denton
Rebeckah Woolsey was born at New York february ye 13 1659 febr: 16 she was Baptized in ye Dutch church Mr Briges godfather & her granmother godmother
John Woolsey was born at New york January ye 12, 1661. January ye 16, baptized in ye Dutch Church Thomas Hall godfather
William Woolsey was born in Jamaca on ye Isleand Nassau October ye 12 1665
Mary Woolsey was born at Jamaca on ye Island Nassau September ye 8 1673.100


Rebecca Cornell b. 31 Jan 1629/30, d. 5 Feb 1713
  • Sarah Woolsey100,3,101 b. 3 Aug 1650, d. 1734
  • George Woolsey100,3,102 b. 10 Oct 1652, d. 19 Jan 1740
  • Thomas Woolsey+100,3 b. 10 Apr 1655, d. 1742
  • Rebecca Woolsey100,3 b. 13 Feb 1659
  • John Woolsey3,100,103 b. 12 Jan 1661, d. 1729
  • Mary Woolsey3,104 b. 19 Mar 1664
  • William Woolsey100,3 b. 12 Oct 1665, d. bef. 1698
  • Mary Woolsey100,2 b. 8 Sep 1673, d. aft. 1731
This person was last edited on30 May 2022


  1. [S822] Yarmouth, Norfolk, England, Parish Registers, 1558-1901, St. Nicholas' Church, 15 May 1616, FHL microfilm 1526327, item 16, further cited as St Nicholas' Parish Registers.
  2. [S817] Wilford Whitaker and Carolyn Woolsey Wilkerson, Woolsey Genealogy Website, online Hereinafter cited as Whitaker and Wilkerson, Woolsey Genealogy.
  3. [S823] John Ross Delafield, Delafield: The Family History, two vols. (New York?: p.p., 1945), 644-646, further cited as Delafield, Delafield.
  4. [S1755] Samuel S. Purple, editor, Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New Amsterdam and New York: Marriages from 11 December, 1639 to 26 August, 1801, vol. I of the collections series of the society, (New York: New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, 1890), 14, further cited as Purple, Reformed Dutch Church Marriages.
  5. [S1872] Clarence Almon Torrey, New England Marriages Prior to 1700, 3 vols. (Boston, Massachusetts: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2011), 1721, further cited as Torrey, New England Marriages (2011).
  6. [S1745] Charles B. Moore, "English and Dutch Intermarriages," The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record 3 (Oct 1872): 153-164; 4 (Jan 1873): 13-20; 4 (Jul 1873): 127-139, at 15-16, further cited as Moore, "English and Dutch Intermarriages."
  7. [S1745] Moore, "English and Dutch Intermarriages," 128-129.
  8. [S1746] Benjamin W. Dwight, "The Descendants of Rev. Benjamin Woolsey, of Dosoris (Glen Cove), L. I.," The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record 4 (1873): 143-144+, at 143-144, further cited as Dwight, "Descendants of Rev. Benjamin Woolsey."
  9. [S2500] E. B. O'Callaghan, editor, Calendar of Dutch Historical Manuscripts in the Office of the Secretary of State, Albany, New York: 1630–1664 (1865; reprint, Ridgewood, N. J.: Gregg Press, 1968), 39, further cited as O'Callaghan, Calendar of Historical Manuscripts.
  10. [S845] B. Fernow, Documents Relating to the Colonial History of the State of New York(Albany, New York: Weed, Parsons and Co., 1883), 79, further cited as Fernow, New York Colonial History.
  11. [S1756] Salomon Lachaire, E. B. O'Callaghan, Kenneth Scott and Kenn Stryker-Rodda, translator and editors, New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch: The Register of Salomon Lachaire, Notary Public of New Amsterdam, 1661-1662(Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing, 1978), 94, further cited as Lachaire, O'Callaghan, Scott, & Stryker-Rodda, The Register of Salomon Lachaire.
  12. [S1762] Berthold Fernow, editor, The Records of New Amsterdam from 1653 to 1674 Anno Domini, Seven volumes (1897; reprint, Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing, 1976), 1:5, further cited as Fernow, Records of New Amsterdam, 1653-1674.
  13. [S141] I. N. Phelps Stokes, The Iconography of Manhattan Island 1498-1909: Compiled From Original Sources and Illustrated by Photo Intaglio Reproductions of Important Maps, Plans, Views, and Documents in Public and Private Collections, six volumes (1915-1928; reprint, New York: Arno Press, 1967), 4:113, further cited as Stokes, Manhattan Iconography.
  14. [S833] Augustine E. Costello, Our Firemen: A History of the New York Fire Departments, Volunteer and Paid(1887; reprint, New York: Knickerbocker Press, 1997), 8, further cited as Our Firemen.
  15. [S1747] E. B. O'Callaghan, History of New Netherland, or New York Under the Dutch, two volumes (New York: D. Appleton, 1846-1848), 2:569, further cited as O'Callaghan, History of New Netherland.
  16. [S815] Mattie T. Logsdon, Climbing the Cherry Tree(Ada, Oklahoma: p.p., 1977), 224-225, further cited as Logsdon, Cherry Tree.
  17. [S1762] Fernow, Records of New Amsterdam, 1653-1674, 1:100.
  18. [S1762] Fernow, Records of New Amsterdam, 1653-1674, 1:119, 156.
  19. [S1762] Fernow, Records of New Amsterdam, 1653-1674, 7:154-55.
  20. [S1762] Fernow, Records of New Amsterdam, 1653-1674, 2:361, 369-70, 372-73.
  21. [S1762] Fernow, Records of New Amsterdam, 1653-1674, 3:171, 177.
  22. [S1762] Fernow, Records of New Amsterdam, 1653-1674, 3:197, 201.
  23. [S1762] Fernow, Records of New Amsterdam, 1653-1674, 3:48.
  24. [S1762] Fernow, Records of New Amsterdam, 1653-1674, 3:210.
  25. [S1762] Fernow, Records of New Amsterdam, 1653-1674, 3:211.
  26. [S1762] Fernow, Records of New Amsterdam, 1653-1674, 3:402.
  27. [S1762] Fernow, Records of New Amsterdam, 1653-1674, 4:293-4.
  28. [S1762] Fernow, Records of New Amsterdam, 1653-1674, 4:306-7.
  29. [S1762] Fernow, Records of New Amsterdam, 1653-1674, 4:333.
  30. [S1762] Fernow, Records of New Amsterdam, 1653-1674, 3:183.
  31. [S141] Stokes, Manhattan Iconography, 4:171.
  32. [S1762] Fernow, Records of New Amsterdam, 1653-1674, 2:263-265.
  33. [S1743] George Ernest Bowman, "Isaac Allerton's Will and Inventory: Transcribed from the Original Records," Mayflower Descendant 2 (1900): 155-157, at 155-157, further cited as Bowman, "Isaac Allerton's Will."
  34. [S141] Stokes, Manhattan Iconography, 4:200.
  35. [S1762] Fernow, Records of New Amsterdam, 1653-1674, 3:90, 92, 288.
  36. [S1765] Berthold Fernow and Walewyn Van der Veen, Minutes of the Orphanmasters of New Amsterdam, 1655 to 1663(New York: E. P. Harper, 1902), 60, further cited as Fernow and Van der Veen, Minutes of the Orphanmasters.
  37. [S1765] Fernow and Van der Veen, Minutes of the Orphanmasters, 76.
  38. [S1765] Fernow and Van der Veen, Minutes of the Orphanmasters, 78.
  39. [S1765] Fernow and Van der Veen, Minutes of the Orphanmasters, 172-173.
  40. [S1765] Fernow and Van der Veen, Minutes of the Orphanmasters, 173-174.
  41. [S141] Stokes, Manhattan Iconography, 6:173.
  42. [S1762] Fernow, Records of New Amsterdam, 1653-1674, 4:107-108.
  43. [S1762] Fernow, Records of New Amsterdam, 1653-1674, 4:168-169.
  44. [S1762] Fernow, Records of New Amsterdam, 1653-1674, 5:55-56.
  45. [S1765] Fernow and Van der Veen, Minutes of the Orphanmasters, 214-216.
  46. [S141] Stokes, Manhattan Iconography, 319, 405.
  47. [S1762] Fernow, Records of New Amsterdam, 1653-1674, 4:231-235.
  48. [S141] Stokes, Manhattan Iconography, 4:224-225.
  49. [S1756] Lachaire, O'Callaghan, Scott, & Stryker-Rodda, The Register of Salomon Lachaire, 94-95, 101, 126, 221.
  50. [S1739] Josephine C. Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, Long Island, New York, 1656-1751, 3 volumes, (Brooklyn, New York: Long Island Historical Society, 1914), microform copy: FHL Film/Fiche #928518 (v. 1-2), #928519 (v. 3), Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1:100-101, further cited as Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica.
  51. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 1:210.
  52. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 1:30.
  53. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 1:35.
  54. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 1:33.
  55. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 1:42.
  56. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 1:45-46, 184.
  57. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 1:60.
  58. [S1776] New York State Historian [Hugh Hastings], Third Annual Report of the State Historian of the State of New York, 1897(New York: Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford, 1898), 387-388, further cited as NY State Historian [Hastings], Third Annual Report of the New York State Historian.
  59. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 1:49, 180.
  60. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 3:428.
  61. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 1:94.
  62. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 1:123.
  63. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 1:128-129.
  64. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 1:36.
  65. [S845] Fernow, New York Colonial History, 759.
  66. [S843] Peter R. Christoph, The Dongan Papers 1683-1699, Part 2, Files of the Provincial Secretary of New York During the Administration of Governor Thomas Dongan(Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press, 1996), 2:289, further cited as Christoph, Dongan Papers.
  67. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 1:166.
  68. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 2:379.
  69. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 1:134.
  70. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 1:137-138.
  71. [S841] Victor Hugo Paltsits, The Dongan Charter to Jamaica of 1686: It's Antecedents and Implications(Jamaica, New York: B. Gertz, 1940), 8, further cited as Paltsits, Dongan Charter to Jamaica.
  72. [S843] Christoph, Dongan Papers, pt.2:157-159.
  73. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 1:160.
  74. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 2:28-29.
  75. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 2:30-31.
  76. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 2:44-45.
  77. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 2:238-239.
  78. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 2:298.
  79. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 1:248.
  80. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 1:352.
  81. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 2:301.
  82. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 2:325-6.
  83. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 2:196-198.
  84. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 2:319.
  85. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 2:71-72.
  86. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 1:63,185.
  87. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 1:78.
  88. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 1:244-245.
  89. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 1:297.
  90. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 1:250-251, 255.
  91. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 2:300.
  92. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 2:309-310.
  93. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 2:357-358.
  94. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 2:311-312.
  95. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 2:69-71.
  96. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 2:318-19.
  97. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 1:158.
  98. [S1739] Frost, Records of the Town of Jamaica, 2:438-440.
  99. [S1761] Jamaica, New York, Queens Co., New York, Deeds/Conveyances, A-Wills:132-3, FHL Film #1414477, further cited as Queens Co. Deeds.
  100. [S1740] "An Acount of the agees of Mr George Woolseys Children", New York Public Library, Rare Books and Manuscripts Division, James Riker Papers, Memoria Vol. 30, "Extracts from an old manuscript book formerly belonging to Capt. William Hallett of Newtown (who died in 1729 age 81) and now in possession of one of his descendants, Marvin R. Briggs of New York, 1851", 187.
  101. [S1693] Thomas Grier Evans and Tobias Alexander Wright, editors, Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New Amsterdam and New York: Baptisms, vols II & III of the collections series of the society (subtitle varies), (New York: New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, 1901-1902), 27, further cited as Evans & Wright, Records of the Reformed Dutch Church—Baptisms.
  102. [S1693] Evans & Wright, Records of the Reformed Dutch Church—Baptisms, 32.
  103. [S1693] Evans & Wright, Records of the Reformed Dutch Church—Baptisms, 1:59.
  104. [S1693] Evans & Wright, Records of the Reformed Dutch Church—Baptisms, 1:72.