Lyonell Chilton
Charts | Ancestors of Adele La Force |
Lyonell Chilton, son of Richard Chilton, died at Canterbury, Kent, England, before 13 February 1582/83, when his will was proved.1,2
Lyonell Chilton left a will dated 17 September 1582:
Lyonell Chilton left a will dated 17 September 1582:
Lyonell Chylton pf of the paryshe of St. Pawle near & wthout ye walles of the cittye of Cantorburye, yeoman, by his will dated the seaventhe daye of September, a thousand fyve hundreth fower skoore & two, willed that his bodye be buryed in the church of St Pawle aforesayde as migh ye buryall of my late Wyef a may be.
Item: -- I bequeathe to the poore mens Boxe of the same payyshe 20d. I wyll that my Executors distrybute amongst the poore people in the days of my buryall tenne dozen of penny wheten breade. Towards the reparatyons of St Martyns churche neere Cantorbyrye 6/8. To everye of my god children 4d a peece. To Pascall Barryngton, my boye yf he serve out his yeares wth me or wyth my Sonne John, twenty shillings besydes his apparell. To Wyllyam Watson, my servante, twenty shillings. I wyll that my Executors paye to my Sonne in lawe Stephen Morrys, the Tenne pounds whh I owe hym for the marriage of my Daughter Alyce. I gyve unto Anne Chylton my Daughter Thyrtye pounds when she be of the age of Twentye years. And yf ane of the sedye Anne or Matgaret dye before their ages of Twentye yeares the one to be the others heyor. And if they bothe dye befre the sayd age then I wyll tenne pounds there of to Stephen Morres and Alyce his Wufe, my Daughter, or to the overlyver of them, and the rest of the mony unto John and James, my sonnes. Unto daughter Anne Chilton my waynscott table, various articles of furniture and utinsills. Unto Daughter Margaret Chylton my lytle wayne scoote table & various articles of furniture & Utensils. And yf any of them dye before eighteen years or marriage, the one to be the others heyer; and hf they both dye before, then all my other children in equal portyons. I bequeath to Alyce, my Daughter, nowe ye wyef of Stephen Morrys, my fourth fether bedd &c. I gyve to Idythe Morrys, the Daughter of my said Daughter Alyce, two of my sylver spooned. I wyll that my Executor shalll deliv unto Isabell, my wyeff, all such householde and other gooods as I stande bounde to Mr. Gylberted Hyde and Mr. Thomas Wylde to leave unto her and her children. And I gyve unto the sayde Isabell, my wife over and above those goods, a fether bedd &c &c, 2 Sylver spoones and tenn pounds of money, upon codycyon she enter into bonds to dyschardge mt Executor agaynst the heyres of Frances Furner for such money as I received of Mrs. Barham, of Barham. I gyve to Thomas Furner & Susanne Furner, my wyves children, eche of them a silver spone. The resydewe of all goods I gyve John Chylton and James Chylton, my Sonnes, equally. I and I John Chylton, my Sonne, sole Executor. And yf he be not then lyving, or doe refuce to be my Executor, then my wyll is that James Chilton, my Sonne, shall be my Executor, And I appoynte Mr. Cousante and John dwards to be overseers of this my will, and I gyve them for their paynes takying tenne shillings apeece.
SECOND PART: Towchings ye Dysposytyon of all my lands and[?] in ye paryshe of St. Paule aforesayde, or elles where, Fyrst–I bequethe unto John Chilton, My Sonne, my tennement where I know dwell, with all the grounds and owte howses there unto belonginge, in as ample maner as yt is all redye devyded by a payer of Indentures made betweene and the sayd John, my onne to hym and his heyeres for ever. I bequethe unto James Chylton, my Sonne, my tenement called the wull sack, in the paryshe of St. Paule aforesayde, and adjoyninge the tenements where I nowe dwell, with all the grounds and oute howses there unto belonginge, to be holden to Hym and his heyeres for ever, – Uppon condycyon that the sayd james and his heyeres shall suffer the sayde Isabell, my wyef, to dwell in the same Tenements called the Wull Sack teme of her lyef, or to receive fourtye shillings a yeare for lyef out of the same Tenement. And also uppon condycyon that the sayde James or his heyeres paye unto Alyce Morrys, my Daughter, fyve pounds within two years after my wyves deathe, and unto Idythe Morrys, her Daughter, fyve pounds at her age of twentye years or marriage. And yf the sayde Idythe Morrys dye before the sayde age & unmarried, then the sayde legacye to remayne unto her sayde Mother & to such of her children as shall then be lyvinge. And if the sayde Idythe morrys & my sayd Daughter Alyce shall dye without any childe, then the sayd tenne pounds shall staye in thands of my sayde sonne James & his heyeres. and yf my sayde Sonne James Chilton or his heyeres refuse or neglect to paye the tenned pounds given out of my tenements called the Wull Sack, then it shall be lawful for my sayde Daughter Alyce and her children and for the sayde Idythe Morrys to enter into the same tennements to holde to them & theire heyeres for ever. I bequethe unto the sayde James Chylton my Sonne my tenement called the Swannem wch I purchased of Mr. Stoughton with all the groundsthereunto belonginge in the parysh of St. Paule, to hims his heyeres for ever. In wytness whereof I have hereunto sett mye seal & subscribed my name.
(signed) Lyonell Chylton
(witnesses) Rychard Consante, John Edwards, Wyllyam Wallappe, Christofer Collards.
Proved in the Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury the 13th day of February 1582. Bk A44, p44.3
Item: -- I bequeathe to the poore mens Boxe of the same payyshe 20d. I wyll that my Executors distrybute amongst the poore people in the days of my buryall tenne dozen of penny wheten breade. Towards the reparatyons of St Martyns churche neere Cantorbyrye 6/8. To everye of my god children 4d a peece. To Pascall Barryngton, my boye yf he serve out his yeares wth me or wyth my Sonne John, twenty shillings besydes his apparell. To Wyllyam Watson, my servante, twenty shillings. I wyll that my Executors paye to my Sonne in lawe Stephen Morrys, the Tenne pounds whh I owe hym for the marriage of my Daughter Alyce. I gyve unto Anne Chylton my Daughter Thyrtye pounds when she be of the age of Twentye years. And yf ane of the sedye Anne or Matgaret dye before their ages of Twentye yeares the one to be the others heyor. And if they bothe dye befre the sayd age then I wyll tenne pounds there of to Stephen Morres and Alyce his Wufe, my Daughter, or to the overlyver of them, and the rest of the mony unto John and James, my sonnes. Unto daughter Anne Chilton my waynscott table, various articles of furniture and utinsills. Unto Daughter Margaret Chylton my lytle wayne scoote table & various articles of furniture & Utensils. And yf any of them dye before eighteen years or marriage, the one to be the others heyer; and hf they both dye before, then all my other children in equal portyons. I bequeath to Alyce, my Daughter, nowe ye wyef of Stephen Morrys, my fourth fether bedd &c. I gyve to Idythe Morrys, the Daughter of my said Daughter Alyce, two of my sylver spooned. I wyll that my Executor shalll deliv unto Isabell, my wyeff, all such householde and other gooods as I stande bounde to Mr. Gylberted Hyde and Mr. Thomas Wylde to leave unto her and her children. And I gyve unto the sayde Isabell, my wife over and above those goods, a fether bedd &c &c, 2 Sylver spoones and tenn pounds of money, upon codycyon she enter into bonds to dyschardge mt Executor agaynst the heyres of Frances Furner for such money as I received of Mrs. Barham, of Barham. I gyve to Thomas Furner & Susanne Furner, my wyves children, eche of them a silver spone. The resydewe of all goods I gyve John Chylton and James Chylton, my Sonnes, equally. I and I John Chylton, my Sonne, sole Executor. And yf he be not then lyving, or doe refuce to be my Executor, then my wyll is that James Chilton, my Sonne, shall be my Executor, And I appoynte Mr. Cousante and John dwards to be overseers of this my will, and I gyve them for their paynes takying tenne shillings apeece.
SECOND PART: Towchings ye Dysposytyon of all my lands and[?] in ye paryshe of St. Paule aforesayde, or elles where, Fyrst–I bequethe unto John Chilton, My Sonne, my tennement where I know dwell, with all the grounds and owte howses there unto belonginge, in as ample maner as yt is all redye devyded by a payer of Indentures made betweene and the sayd John, my onne to hym and his heyeres for ever. I bequethe unto James Chylton, my Sonne, my tenement called the wull sack, in the paryshe of St. Paule aforesayde, and adjoyninge the tenements where I nowe dwell, with all the grounds and oute howses there unto belonginge, to be holden to Hym and his heyeres for ever, – Uppon condycyon that the sayd james and his heyeres shall suffer the sayde Isabell, my wyef, to dwell in the same Tenements called the Wull Sack teme of her lyef, or to receive fourtye shillings a yeare for lyef out of the same Tenement. And also uppon condycyon that the sayde James or his heyeres paye unto Alyce Morrys, my Daughter, fyve pounds within two years after my wyves deathe, and unto Idythe Morrys, her Daughter, fyve pounds at her age of twentye years or marriage. And yf the sayde Idythe Morrys dye before the sayde age & unmarried, then the sayde legacye to remayne unto her sayde Mother & to such of her children as shall then be lyvinge. And if the sayde Idythe morrys & my sayd Daughter Alyce shall dye without any childe, then the sayd tenne pounds shall staye in thands of my sayde sonne James & his heyeres. and yf my sayde Sonne James Chilton or his heyeres refuse or neglect to paye the tenned pounds given out of my tenements called the Wull Sack, then it shall be lawful for my sayde Daughter Alyce and her children and for the sayde Idythe Morrys to enter into the same tennements to holde to them & theire heyeres for ever. I bequethe unto the sayde James Chylton my Sonne my tenement called the Swannem wch I purchased of Mr. Stoughton with all the groundsthereunto belonginge in the parysh of St. Paule, to hims his heyeres for ever. In wytness whereof I have hereunto sett mye seal & subscribed my name.
(signed) Lyonell Chylton
(witnesses) Rychard Consante, John Edwards, Wyllyam Wallappe, Christofer Collards.
Proved in the Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury the 13th day of February 1582. Bk A44, p44.3
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This person was last edited on | 29 Jun 2020 |
- [S38] Robert Moody Sherman, Verle Delano Vincent, Robert S. Wakefield and Lydia Dow Finlay, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations, Descendants of the Pilgrims Who Landed at Plymouth, Mass. December 1620: Volume Fifteen: Family of James Chilton and Family of Richard More (Plymouth, Massachusetts: General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 1997), 1, further cited as Sherman, Vincent, Delano, Wakefield, and Finlay, MF 15.
- [S1483] Mrs. Russell Mack Skelton, "Copies of Wills of the Chilton Family," The Mayflower Quarterly 27 (Nov 1961): 5-6, at 6, further cited as Skelton, "Wills of the Chilton Family."
- [S1483] Skelton, "Wills of the Chilton Family,."