Pieter Anderson

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ChartsAncestors of Edward Ambrose Cooke
Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. - Edward Ambrose Cooke
Pieter Anderson, son of Elias Anderson and Marytje Boeckholt, was born 17 May 1699.1 He died before 3 May 1786, when his will was proved.2

Pieter married Cornelia Holmes, daughter of George Holmes and Jenneke Bogart, before 1732.3,4

27 July 1738, he and five siblings with their wives or husbands convey their father's farm (known as the Union Flag farm) to Jonathan Hardman of the City of New York, Vintner, for £173.3,5

30 March 1756, he and his wife conveyed her father's farm to Abrham Lefferts for £410. This deed was not cited by Riker (in either edition), and has not been located.6,7

13 July 1762, as Peter Anderson, carpenter, he resigned as executor to his brother's (Andries Albody alias Anderson) unrecorded will.8

Pieter left a will dated at New York, New York Co., New York, August 1774, proved 3 May 1786:
In the Name of God Amen this_____day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred seventy and four I, Peter Anderson of the City and province of New York Wheel Wright being thro mercy in reasonable health of body and of a sound and disposing mind and memory have thought it fit to make and ordain tis my last Will and Testament as follows (that is to say)

Principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the nands of the Almighty God my Creator and my body to the earth to be buried in a Christian like and decent manner at the discretion of my Executors herein after named and as touching such worldly estate as it hath or shall please God to bless me with in this life I give and dispose of the same as follows

Imprimis it is my mind and Will that all my just debts and funeral Charges Shall be well and truly paid and contented out of my moveable estate by Convenient time after my decease by my Executors

Item I give unto my son George Anderson the sum of five shillings New York Currency to be paid to him in convenient time after my decease with intent to bar him of any Claim to my estate or any part thereof (more than I shall herein give and appoint for him) as heir at law or otherwise and in case my said son George Anderson should depart this life before he receives the same or that a division of my estate is made then I give the such sum of five Shillings to his lawful heirs for the same intent and reason.

Item I give unto my well beloved wife Cornelia Anderson the whole and sole use Interest and profits of all and singular my estate real and personal of what nature or kind so ever the same to be received held possessed and enjoyed by her or her assigns for and during the Term of the natural life of her the said Cornelia Anderson.

Item it is my mind and Will that my Executors or the major part of them shall within the space and term of one whole year next after the decease of my aforesaid Wife Cornelia Anderson sell and dispose of all and singular my estate real and personal that shall be left and remaining (after my said Wife’s funeral charges are paid) and that by such ways and means as they my said Executors or the major part of them shall judge to be most beneficial and advantageous and they are hereby empowered all or the major part of them to give good and sufficient Titles in the law to the purchasers thereof and it is my mind that the money arising by the sale of my real and personal estate after all Charges are deducted there out shall be divided into six parts or shares and one sixth part of the Whole I give unto my son George Anderson, one sixth part I give unto my son Elias Anderson, one of those sixth parts I give unto my son Elbert Anderson, one sixth part to my son Petrus Anderson, one of those sixth parts I give unto my daughter Cornelia Brower and the remaining sixth part I give unto my daughter Maria Anderson the same to be paid to them as soon as Conveniently it may be done after the selling of my estate. It is my mind and Will that if any or either of my said six Children should depart this life not leaving issue of his her or their body or bodies lawfully begotten that then the share of him her or them so departing this life without issues aforesaid shall be equally divided share and share alike among my surviving Children but in case any of my said six Children shall leave issue of their body or bodies lawfully begotten at the time of their death it is my mind and will that the share or shares of him or them or her so departing this life shall be put out and kept at Interest for the Child or children of him her or them until they severally arrive to lawful age and each child to have and received his or her share of the principal and Interest as they severally arrive at lawful age. And I do hereby nominate and appoint my loving sons Elias Anderson, Elbert Anderson and Petrus Anderson to be executors of this my last Will and Testament

In Witness whereof I the said Peter Anderson have hereunto set my hand and seal this day and year first above written
     Peter Anderson

Signed sealed published and declared by the said Peter Anderson as and for his last will and Testament in presence of us who have in his presence as evidences subscribed the same Joh Montanye, Joseph Montanye John Nathan Hutchins

City of New York Be it Remembered that on the third day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty six personally came and appeared before me Thomas Treadwell Judge of the Court of Probates of the State of New York, John Montanye of the said City, Carpenter and being duly sworn on his oath declared that he verily.2


Cornelia Holmes b. 19 Mar 1712, d. 27 Oct 1803
  • George Anderson2 b. 17 Aug 1732, d. aft. Aug 1774
  • Cornelia Anderson9 b. 16 Apr 1735, d. bef. 1740
  • Elbert Anderson10 b. 1 Feb 1738, d. bef. 12 Dec 1745
  • Cornelia Anderson2 b. 26 Mar 1740, d. aft. Aug 1774
  • Elias Anderson2,11 b. 2 Mar 1743, d. aft. Aug 1774
  • Elbert Anderson+2,12 b. 4 Dec 1745, d. 4 Aug 1813
  • Maria Anderson2,13 b. 7 May 1749, d. 10 Oct 1831
  • Petrus Anderson2,13 b. 5 Apr 1752, d. aft. Aug 1774
  • Jenneke Anderson14 b. 7 Jul 1756, d. bef. Aug 1774
This person was last edited on23 Jul 2022


  1. [S2491] Cornelius von Erden Mitchell and H. Minot Pitman, editor, Ancestry of Willliam Spingler Mitchell, Cornelius von Erden Mitchell, John Van Beuren Mitchell (n.p.: s.p., 1967), 44, further cited as Mitchell, Ancestry of Mitchell.
  2. [S1042] New York Co., New York, Wills and Administrations 1680-1804, 39:49, FHL microfilm 484023, further cited as New York Co. Wills and Administrations.
  3. [S141] I. N. Phelps Stokes, The Iconography of Manhattan Island 1498-1909: Compiled From Original Sources and Illustrated by Photo Intaglio Reproductions of Important Maps, Plans, Views, and Documents in Public and Private Collections, six volumes (1915-1928; reprint, New York: Arno Press, 1967), 6:127, further cited as Stokes, Manhattan Iconography.
  4. [S1330] Estimated from birth date of first child (1732).
  5. [S2501] New York Co., New York, Conveyances, 1654-1866, 32:111-2, FHL microfilm 888340, img #351, further cited as New York Co., NY Conveyances.
  6. [S2502] James Riker, History of Harlem (City of New York): Its Origin and Early Annals, Prefaced by Home Scenes in the Fatherlands; or, Notices of Its Founders Before Emigration; Also Sketches of Numerous families and the Recovered History of the Land-Titles; with Illustrations and Maps (New York: s.p., 1881), 596, further cited as Riker, History of Harlem.
  7. [S2493] James Riker, Henry Pennington Toler and Sterling Potter, editor, Revised History of Harlem (City of New York.): Its Origin and Early Annals, Prefaced by Home Scenes in the fatherlands; or Notices of Its Founders Before Emigration; Also Sketches of Numerous families and the Recovered History of the Land-Titles; with Illustrations and Maps (n.p.: New Harlem Publishing, 1904), 806, further cited as Riker, Toler, & Potter, Revised History of Harlem.
  8. [S1590] William S. Pelletreau, editor, Abstracts of Wills on File in the Surrogates Office, City of New York, 1665-1801, 17 volumes (New York: New-York Historical Society, 1892-1908), 11:182, further cited as Pelletreau, New York Will Abstracts.
  9. [S1693] Thomas Grier Evans and Tobias Alexander Wright, editors, Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New Amsterdam and New York: Baptisms, vols II & III of the collections series of the society (subtitle varies), (New York: New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, 1901-1902), 2:42, further cited as Evans & Wright, Records of the Reformed Dutch Church—Baptisms.
  10. [S1693] Evans & Wright, Records of the Reformed Dutch Church—Baptisms, 2:62.
  11. [S1693] Evans & Wright, Records of the Reformed Dutch Church—Baptisms, 100.
  12. [S1693] Evans & Wright, Records of the Reformed Dutch Church—Baptisms, 2:121.
  13. [S1693] Evans & Wright, Records of the Reformed Dutch Church—Baptisms, 2:151.
  14. [S1693] Evans & Wright, Records of the Reformed Dutch Church—Baptisms, 2:11.