Lewis Pierce
Lewis Pierce, son of Amasa Pierce and Polly Winslow, was born at Truxton, Cortland Co., New York, between 1812 and 1814.1,2,3,4,5,6 He died before 12 March 1889,7 and was buried at McMinnville, Warren Co., Tennessee, 12 March 1889.7
Lewis married Clarysa Blanch Baldridge, daughter of William W. Baldridge and Percy Leach, at Niagara Co., New York, 1 January 1845.8,9,10
Lewis' parentage is indicated by the following documents, no single one of which conclusively points to Amasa as his father.
Amasa has numerous land transactions in which his wife is given as Polly.
An 1845 deed/mortgage between Amasa and Lewis requiring repayment, but without interest, showing some relationship between the two.
The 1850 Federal Census shows Polly Pierce in Lewis' household and her status as widow (relationships were not recorded in this census year)
The 1855 New York state census lists Polly Pierce in Lewis' household and giving her relationship to him as 'mother'.
A mortgage release (signed at various times between 1851 and 1853) whereby the "heirs of Amasa Pierce, decs'd" released Lewis from the mortgage of 1845. Neither Polly nor Lewis are specifically listed has one of the heirs.11,12,13
Federal Census records of 1860-80 show he was 46, 56, 66 respectively. The 1850 census shows 26 which is probably off by 10 years due to miscopying. The 1855 state census notes he was born in Cortland Co., age 41. This is compatible with placing him as a son of Amasa Pierce who was in Cortland by 1812. The 1884 Michigan state census for Paris Twp, Kent Co., shows he was 72, born in New York.
Cortland County, New York
There are some interesting records of Lewis' association with organized religion:
About the time he reached adulthood in 1831, he joined the Truxton Baptist Church (TBC) (FHL #1304769 #7).
6 Jan 1838 TBC voted to have T. F. Wallace visit L. Pierce and John Pierce regarding presenting valuation of their property so church could assess them for church expenses. (FHL #1304769 #7).
20 Jan 1838 TBC voted to put over subject of Lewis Pierce and John Pierce until next meeting. No further entries regarding Lewis or John. FHL #1304769 #7).
24 Mar 1838 TBC voted to reject the doings of the valuation committees. Subject put off for 2 months. (FHL #1304769 #7).
On 25 Aug the church voted to notify all those who had not brought valuations they would be "disfellowshipped." (FHL #1304769 #7).
17 Nov 1838 TBC voted for Abijah Warren to visit Lewis Pierce and give him information regarding "Avarage" (a term used to apportion the expenses of the church among the members). (FHL #1304769 #7).
1 Dec 1838 TBC voted satisfied with the report of committee that visited Lewis Pierce. (FHL #1304769 #7).
18 Apr 1840 Abijah Warren reported to TBC difficulty with Lewis Pierce. T. Bowtell, H. Kinney, J. Tailor, T. G. Wallis, Sam Harris were appointed as a committee to look into it, settle if possible, and report to the church. (FHL #1304769 #7).
26 Jun 1840 TBC voted to rescind all records of difficulty between A. Warren and L. Pierce. (FHL #1304769 #7).
But that was not the end of his difficulties with the church:
23 Apr 1842 TBC voted John Boutwell and Lyman Speer to visit John and Lewis Pierce and labor with them as duty may direct. (FHL #1304769 #8).
18 Jun 1842 TBC voted to put over subject of Lewis Pierce. (FHL #1304769 #8)
27 Aug 1842 TBC voted to "withdraw the hand of fellowship from Lewis Pierce for absenting from the church." (FHL #1304769 #8).
Finally, on 16 Sep 1842, he was excluded from the Truxton Baptist Church with no further explanation. (FHL #1304769 #8).
Like his father, Lewis left a long series of land records:
5 Feb 1838 buys from William McKnight and Louisa his wife for $170.60 8 53/100 acres of Lot 5 in Truxton bounded by a line: beginning four chains & 42 links west of the south east corner of subdivision number three set off to Alvah Trowbridge on said lot and running thence North ten chains & 70 links thence South seventy five degrees west four chains & 57 links thence South forty seven degrees West five chains & 29 links thence South seven chains & four links thence east nine chains thence north twenty one degrees east one chain & sixty links thence west seventy six links to the place of beginning. Recorded 24 Aug 1842, Book 6, p. 338 (FHL #0843716)
25 Aug 1838 sells to Samuel Harris for $187.66 the same land he bought on 5 Feb 1838. Recorded 24 Aug 1842, Book 6, p. 341 (FHL #0843716).
4 Jun 1839 Rule Book of New York Supreme Court, Cortland Co; Robert Watson vs Lewis Pierce. Defendent (LP) to appear 20 days after service of copy of declaration. No further entries regarding the suit. (FHL #1016834)
7 Apr 1840 buys from [Iaud] Warren and wife Sarah for $591.53 40 52/100 acres of Lot 5 in Truxton bounded by a line: beginning at the south west corner of said lot and running thence east on the south line of said lot 13 chains and 18 links and thence north 31 chains and 89 links to a point 96 links east of old Stake thence from said stake west twelve chains and 26 links to a point 22 links north of old stake thence from said stake south 31 chains and 82 links to the place of beginning. Recorded 24 Aug 1842, Book 6, p. 339 (FHL #0843716).
1 Apr 1842 sells to Samuel Harris for $729.35 the same land he bought 7 Apr 1840. Recorded 24 Aug 1842, Book 6, p. 343 (FHL #0843716).
1 Jan 1845 of Somerset, Niagara Co., buys from Amasa Pierce and wife Polly of the same place for $415.50 13 85/100 acres described the same as the property Amasa Pierce bought 2 Apr 1842 from Samuel Harris and his wife Mary. Witnessed in Niagara Co. 4 Jan 1845, received and recorded in Cortland Co. 10 Oct 1845, Book 9, p. 526 (FHL #0843718).
27 Nov 1847 a mortgage was made and recorded between Orrin Wheeler and Matthew Orne of Syracuse, concerning a parcel in the town of Scott (formerly called Tully). There is a town called Tully in adjoining Onandaga Co. Scott is in Cortland Co. Part of this record shows that on 20 May 1846, Lewis Pierce of Somerset, Niagara Co., assigned his interest in the Mortgage to Oliver Glover of the town of Homer; however, this entry appears to be misplaced because the deed for this parcel does not reflect an interest to Lewis Pierce. Note: Onondaga land & mortgage records have no record of Lewis or Amasa. Received and recorded 30 Nov 1847, Mortgage Book O, pp. 304-5 (FHL #0843777).
14 May 1847 a mortgage was made between Benjamin Rexford of Chenango Co. and John Jacob Astor of New York regarding several parcels of land. Part of this record shows: 2 Apr 1842, Samuel Harris assigned his interest in the Mortgage to Amasa Pierce, and that on 4 May 1845, Amasa Pierce assigned his interest to Lewis Pierce; 4 Jan 1846 Amasa appeared in the Niagara Co. Clerk's office to acknowledge that he executed the assignment; 1 Apr 1846 Lewis Pierce recorded he received payment in full for the interest due on this mortgage. It appears that the above assignment to Oliver Glover, recorded 30 Nov 1847, is misplaced as the next entry in this record, 1 Nov 1847, shows Glover assigning his interest in the mortgage to Lemuel Ormerond without having (in this record) received assignment from Lewis Pierce. All received and recorded 16 Dec 1847, Mortgage Book O, pp. 318-21 (FHL #0843777).
25 Feb 1848 he and wife Clarysa both of Somersett, Niagara Co., sell to Henry Schemerhorn the property Lewis bought 1 Jan 1845. Recorded Book 12, p. 559 (FHL #0843719).
Niagara Co., New York
20 Apr 1842 of Truxton, Cortland Co., buys from John Craig and Rhoda his wife for $3,083.72 and a $581 mortgage to the Holland Land Co. originally executed by John W. Bradley 14 Nov 1836, 140 acres described as lot 7, section 3, township 16, range 5. Recorded Book 29, p. 133 (FHL #0887713).
1 Jan 1845 mortgagor to Amasa Pierce for $1,200 to be paid without interest 1 Jan 1852, secured by lot 7, section 3, township 16, range 5. Recorded 4 Jan 1845, Mortgage Book 29, p. 352 (FHL #0878304).
10 Oct 1849 mortgage of John Bradley on the Somerset property is paid. Recorded 18 May 1850, Mortgage Book 17, pp. 87-88 (FHL #0878294).
11 Jul 1850 enumerated in US Census, Town of Somerset, Niagara Co., New York. Gives wife Clarysa ae 28, son Gerome W., ae 2, two laborers, and Polly Pierce, ae 72, born in "Ct" (Connecticut?).
31 Mar 1851 with his wife Clara, sells to Robert Wiseman of Somerset, Niagara Co., for $6,300 the same 140 acres Lewis bought in 1842. No mention of Mortgage to Amasa Pierce. Recorded 14 Apr 1851, Book 48, p. 322 (FHL #0887724).
31 Mar 1851 mortagee for Robert Wiseman for $1,900, secured by the land sold the same date. Mortgage Book 43, p.290 (FHL #0878314).
Sep 1851 - Mar 1853 the several "heirs at law and sole representatives of Amasa Pierce, deceased" released Lewis Pierce from the mortgage of 1 Jan 1845: Lyman Pierce, Damaris Angle, Anson Angle, George W. Watson, Polly Watson, Moses Kenny, Francis P. Kenny, John P. Sharpsteen, Catherine E. Sharpsteen. Charles W. Pierce is listed but his release is recorded separately (see below). Widow Polly not listed among the heirs. Mortgage Book 29, p. 353 (FHL #0878304).
30 Aug 1853 Charles W. Pierce of Fremont Co., IA, one of the representatives of Amasa Pierce, deceased, releases Lewis Pierce from the Mortgage of 1 Jan 1845. Recorded 1 Aug 1856, Mortgage Book 29, p. 177 (FHL #0878304).
8 Aug 1855 releases Robert Wiseman from the mortgage of 31 Mar 1851. Recorded 12 Jan 1856, Mortgage Book 43, p. 291 (FHL #0878314).
Orleans Co., New York
19 Feb 1852 buys from Richard Dunning and wife Nancy for $3,770 and a mortgage made by Dunning to Erastus C. Woodworth for $625 65 acres in section 29, township 15, range 3 bounded west by lands "now owned by George Oaterkirk and James Carman formerly deeded to Otis Turner" thirty three chains and sixty eight links; North by the Ridge Road; East by land now owned by Samuel Smort eleven chains formerly owned by John Willson; Southerly by the Oak Orchard Creek. Recorded 20 Feb 1852, Book 36, p. 546 (FHL #0591268).
22 Jun 1855 enumerated in the New York State Census in both the Population and Agricultural schedules for the town of Ridgeway. Property worth $1,500; ae 41; born in Cortland Co; married; resident in Orleans Co. 3 years; farmer; native of US; landowner. Also listed are wife Clara, son Frank L., mother Polly Pierce, father-in-law William W. Baldrich, and two renters.
Agriculture data: 55 improved acres; 10 unimproved; Values: farm 3900, stock 830, tools 220; 12 plowed acres, 12 pasture acres, 14 meadow acres, produced 21 tons of hay, sowed 15 acres of winter wheat and harvested 240 bushels; sowed 3 acres of oats and harvested 90 bushels; 6 acres of corn and harvested 180 bushels; 14 acres of potatoes and harvested 60 bushels; harvested 300 bushels of apples and made 4 barrels of cider; collected 30 pounds of honey; produced 60 bushels of peaches worth $30. Had 8 head of cattle, 3 cows, killed 2 steers for beef, milked 3 cows, 3 butter cows produced 3 pounds, no cheese production, 6 horses, 7 pigs under 6 mos, 2 over 6 mos; sold $8 of poultry, $6 of eggs; used 1/2 ton of Gipsum manure worth $2.50.
25 Dec 1855 buys from James Carmen and wife Elizabeth for $400 12 1/2 acres in the east part of lot 7 beginning 10 chains 81 links from the east bounds of lot 23, township 15, range 3 of the Holland Co land at the distance of 29 chains 52 links north from the south line; North bounded with the east bound 11 chains 55 links; West with north bound of lot 10 chains 81 1/2 links South parallel with the east bounds 11 chains 55 links East parallel with the north bounds 10 chains 81 1/2 links. Recorded 5 Apr 1857, Book 47, pp. 322-3 (FHL #0592213).
31 Mar 1857 sells to James Carmen for $4,000 the land purchased 19 Feb 1852. Recorded Book 46, p. 501 (FHL #0592212).
8 May 1857 buys from Hannah McCord of Medina for $1,626 7 76/100 acres southwest of the land purchased by W & E Hedley of Wm R. Grimm bounded by 21 chains, 87 links south of the north west corner of Hedley's property in the center of the highway and running southerly along the center of the highway 8 chains 50 links to land deeded to Volney Acer; Easterly along Acers land 9 chains 18 links to the center of Marine or Main St., Northerly along the center of the street 8 chains 50 links; westerly 9 chains 9 1/2 links to the beginning. Recorded 8 May 1857, Book 46, p. 403 (FHL # 0592212).
22 Feb 1859 he and wife Clara sell to Joseph F. Moore of Corning, Steuben Co., for $550 the 12 1/2 acres they purchased 25 Dec 1855. Recorded 23 Feb 1859, Book 50, p. 282 (FHL #0592215).
14 Aug 1860 enumerated in US Census: ae, 46; profession, ??; value of real estate, $5,000; value of personal estate, $300; place of birth, New York. Also listed are wife Clara, sons Frank & Clarence W, and William W. Aldrich, a Ferrier, presumably his father-in-law. Relationships are not stated in this census.
25 Apr 1861 he and wife Clara of Medina sell to Edwin P. Heally for $4500, a $625 mortgage to H. W. Poller dtd 22 Dec 1860, and a $1,000 mortgage to John Stewart dtd 9 Jan 1860 the 7 76/100 acres they purchased 8 May 1857. Recorded 25 Apr 1861, Book 52, p. 378 (FHL #0592217).
16 Sep 1863 Clara Pierce of Medina, Orleans Co., sells to Elanor A. Allen for $1500 and a mortgage for $1200 to John Drew past due in Apr 1863 Lot 132 in Ridgeway, Orleans Co., bounded north by Cross St., 1 chain, east by lot 133 3 chains, 25 links, south by an alley 1 chain, west by lot 131 3 chains, 25 links (acreage not stated). Received and recorded Book 57, p. 522 (FHL #592221).
Kent Co., Michigan
Lewis and Clara make an agreement with George S. Richardson. Misc Book 2, p. 342.
16 Aug 1870 enumerated in US Census for Paris Township, Kent Co., MI. Lewis ae 55, Farmer, real estate $4000, personal prop. 800, born in New York, eligible to vote. Also Clara age 46, Frank age 16, William age 13, Lewis age 4, born in Michigan.
7 Dec 1874 Clara B. Pierce of Paris sells to George S. Richardson for $800 20 acres with boundaries described as: "commencing 80 rods south of the center of section 11, township 6, range 6 north of range 11 west thence running north on the quarter line to the center of said section thence west on the east and west quarter line 40 rods thence south 75 rods thence south east to the place of beginning." Received and Recorded 19 Dec 1874, Book 92, p. 547 (FHL #1392922).
8 Jun 1880 enumerated in US Census for Paris Township, Kent Co., MI. age 67, born in New York, both parents born in Massachusetts. Clara age 57, born in New York, Father born in PA, Mother born in Connecticut.
6 Jun 1884 enumerated in Michigan State Census for Paris, Kent Co. Age 72, places of birth as stated before. Clara age 61, same places of birth, mother of 4 children. Lewis Jr. age 18, born in Michigan.
6 Dec 1884 Clara Pierce of Grand Rapids buys from Benjamin T. Pierce for $2,000 and a prior $1,900 mortgage due then to Henry A. Kerr 5 acres with boundaries described as: "the North half of block 17 of Stewarts addition to the City of Grand Rapids... being a part of the NW quarter of section 20 in town 7 north, range 11 west also of the north half of block 18 of Stewarts addition except for 2 acres on the south end. Received and recorded 19 Dec 1884, Book 150, p. 496 (FHL #1392943).
2 Mar 1886 Clara B. Pierce of East Paris sells to George S. Richardson for $1,500 20 acres with boundaries described as: "commencing 85 rods south of section 11 thence south 75 rods to section line thence west 40 rods thence north 85 rods thence SE to the beginning. Received and recorded 2 Mar 1886, Book 170, p. 608 (FHL #1392950).12
Lewis married Clarysa Blanch Baldridge, daughter of William W. Baldridge and Percy Leach, at Niagara Co., New York, 1 January 1845.8,9,10
Lewis' parentage is indicated by the following documents, no single one of which conclusively points to Amasa as his father.
Amasa has numerous land transactions in which his wife is given as Polly.
An 1845 deed/mortgage between Amasa and Lewis requiring repayment, but without interest, showing some relationship between the two.
The 1850 Federal Census shows Polly Pierce in Lewis' household and her status as widow (relationships were not recorded in this census year)
The 1855 New York state census lists Polly Pierce in Lewis' household and giving her relationship to him as 'mother'.
A mortgage release (signed at various times between 1851 and 1853) whereby the "heirs of Amasa Pierce, decs'd" released Lewis from the mortgage of 1845. Neither Polly nor Lewis are specifically listed has one of the heirs.11,12,13
Federal Census records of 1860-80 show he was 46, 56, 66 respectively. The 1850 census shows 26 which is probably off by 10 years due to miscopying. The 1855 state census notes he was born in Cortland Co., age 41. This is compatible with placing him as a son of Amasa Pierce who was in Cortland by 1812. The 1884 Michigan state census for Paris Twp, Kent Co., shows he was 72, born in New York.
Cortland County, New York
There are some interesting records of Lewis' association with organized religion:
About the time he reached adulthood in 1831, he joined the Truxton Baptist Church (TBC) (FHL #1304769 #7).
6 Jan 1838 TBC voted to have T. F. Wallace visit L. Pierce and John Pierce regarding presenting valuation of their property so church could assess them for church expenses. (FHL #1304769 #7).
20 Jan 1838 TBC voted to put over subject of Lewis Pierce and John Pierce until next meeting. No further entries regarding Lewis or John. FHL #1304769 #7).
24 Mar 1838 TBC voted to reject the doings of the valuation committees. Subject put off for 2 months. (FHL #1304769 #7).
On 25 Aug the church voted to notify all those who had not brought valuations they would be "disfellowshipped." (FHL #1304769 #7).
17 Nov 1838 TBC voted for Abijah Warren to visit Lewis Pierce and give him information regarding "Avarage" (a term used to apportion the expenses of the church among the members). (FHL #1304769 #7).
1 Dec 1838 TBC voted satisfied with the report of committee that visited Lewis Pierce. (FHL #1304769 #7).
18 Apr 1840 Abijah Warren reported to TBC difficulty with Lewis Pierce. T. Bowtell, H. Kinney, J. Tailor, T. G. Wallis, Sam Harris were appointed as a committee to look into it, settle if possible, and report to the church. (FHL #1304769 #7).
26 Jun 1840 TBC voted to rescind all records of difficulty between A. Warren and L. Pierce. (FHL #1304769 #7).
But that was not the end of his difficulties with the church:
23 Apr 1842 TBC voted John Boutwell and Lyman Speer to visit John and Lewis Pierce and labor with them as duty may direct. (FHL #1304769 #8).
18 Jun 1842 TBC voted to put over subject of Lewis Pierce. (FHL #1304769 #8)
27 Aug 1842 TBC voted to "withdraw the hand of fellowship from Lewis Pierce for absenting from the church." (FHL #1304769 #8).
Finally, on 16 Sep 1842, he was excluded from the Truxton Baptist Church with no further explanation. (FHL #1304769 #8).
Like his father, Lewis left a long series of land records:
5 Feb 1838 buys from William McKnight and Louisa his wife for $170.60 8 53/100 acres of Lot 5 in Truxton bounded by a line: beginning four chains & 42 links west of the south east corner of subdivision number three set off to Alvah Trowbridge on said lot and running thence North ten chains & 70 links thence South seventy five degrees west four chains & 57 links thence South forty seven degrees West five chains & 29 links thence South seven chains & four links thence east nine chains thence north twenty one degrees east one chain & sixty links thence west seventy six links to the place of beginning. Recorded 24 Aug 1842, Book 6, p. 338 (FHL #0843716)
25 Aug 1838 sells to Samuel Harris for $187.66 the same land he bought on 5 Feb 1838. Recorded 24 Aug 1842, Book 6, p. 341 (FHL #0843716).
4 Jun 1839 Rule Book of New York Supreme Court, Cortland Co; Robert Watson vs Lewis Pierce. Defendent (LP) to appear 20 days after service of copy of declaration. No further entries regarding the suit. (FHL #1016834)
7 Apr 1840 buys from [Iaud] Warren and wife Sarah for $591.53 40 52/100 acres of Lot 5 in Truxton bounded by a line: beginning at the south west corner of said lot and running thence east on the south line of said lot 13 chains and 18 links and thence north 31 chains and 89 links to a point 96 links east of old Stake thence from said stake west twelve chains and 26 links to a point 22 links north of old stake thence from said stake south 31 chains and 82 links to the place of beginning. Recorded 24 Aug 1842, Book 6, p. 339 (FHL #0843716).
1 Apr 1842 sells to Samuel Harris for $729.35 the same land he bought 7 Apr 1840. Recorded 24 Aug 1842, Book 6, p. 343 (FHL #0843716).
1 Jan 1845 of Somerset, Niagara Co., buys from Amasa Pierce and wife Polly of the same place for $415.50 13 85/100 acres described the same as the property Amasa Pierce bought 2 Apr 1842 from Samuel Harris and his wife Mary. Witnessed in Niagara Co. 4 Jan 1845, received and recorded in Cortland Co. 10 Oct 1845, Book 9, p. 526 (FHL #0843718).
27 Nov 1847 a mortgage was made and recorded between Orrin Wheeler and Matthew Orne of Syracuse, concerning a parcel in the town of Scott (formerly called Tully). There is a town called Tully in adjoining Onandaga Co. Scott is in Cortland Co. Part of this record shows that on 20 May 1846, Lewis Pierce of Somerset, Niagara Co., assigned his interest in the Mortgage to Oliver Glover of the town of Homer; however, this entry appears to be misplaced because the deed for this parcel does not reflect an interest to Lewis Pierce. Note: Onondaga land & mortgage records have no record of Lewis or Amasa. Received and recorded 30 Nov 1847, Mortgage Book O, pp. 304-5 (FHL #0843777).
14 May 1847 a mortgage was made between Benjamin Rexford of Chenango Co. and John Jacob Astor of New York regarding several parcels of land. Part of this record shows: 2 Apr 1842, Samuel Harris assigned his interest in the Mortgage to Amasa Pierce, and that on 4 May 1845, Amasa Pierce assigned his interest to Lewis Pierce; 4 Jan 1846 Amasa appeared in the Niagara Co. Clerk's office to acknowledge that he executed the assignment; 1 Apr 1846 Lewis Pierce recorded he received payment in full for the interest due on this mortgage. It appears that the above assignment to Oliver Glover, recorded 30 Nov 1847, is misplaced as the next entry in this record, 1 Nov 1847, shows Glover assigning his interest in the mortgage to Lemuel Ormerond without having (in this record) received assignment from Lewis Pierce. All received and recorded 16 Dec 1847, Mortgage Book O, pp. 318-21 (FHL #0843777).
25 Feb 1848 he and wife Clarysa both of Somersett, Niagara Co., sell to Henry Schemerhorn the property Lewis bought 1 Jan 1845. Recorded Book 12, p. 559 (FHL #0843719).
Niagara Co., New York
20 Apr 1842 of Truxton, Cortland Co., buys from John Craig and Rhoda his wife for $3,083.72 and a $581 mortgage to the Holland Land Co. originally executed by John W. Bradley 14 Nov 1836, 140 acres described as lot 7, section 3, township 16, range 5. Recorded Book 29, p. 133 (FHL #0887713).
1 Jan 1845 mortgagor to Amasa Pierce for $1,200 to be paid without interest 1 Jan 1852, secured by lot 7, section 3, township 16, range 5. Recorded 4 Jan 1845, Mortgage Book 29, p. 352 (FHL #0878304).
10 Oct 1849 mortgage of John Bradley on the Somerset property is paid. Recorded 18 May 1850, Mortgage Book 17, pp. 87-88 (FHL #0878294).
11 Jul 1850 enumerated in US Census, Town of Somerset, Niagara Co., New York. Gives wife Clarysa ae 28, son Gerome W., ae 2, two laborers, and Polly Pierce, ae 72, born in "Ct" (Connecticut?).
31 Mar 1851 with his wife Clara, sells to Robert Wiseman of Somerset, Niagara Co., for $6,300 the same 140 acres Lewis bought in 1842. No mention of Mortgage to Amasa Pierce. Recorded 14 Apr 1851, Book 48, p. 322 (FHL #0887724).
31 Mar 1851 mortagee for Robert Wiseman for $1,900, secured by the land sold the same date. Mortgage Book 43, p.290 (FHL #0878314).
Sep 1851 - Mar 1853 the several "heirs at law and sole representatives of Amasa Pierce, deceased" released Lewis Pierce from the mortgage of 1 Jan 1845: Lyman Pierce, Damaris Angle, Anson Angle, George W. Watson, Polly Watson, Moses Kenny, Francis P. Kenny, John P. Sharpsteen, Catherine E. Sharpsteen. Charles W. Pierce is listed but his release is recorded separately (see below). Widow Polly not listed among the heirs. Mortgage Book 29, p. 353 (FHL #0878304).
30 Aug 1853 Charles W. Pierce of Fremont Co., IA, one of the representatives of Amasa Pierce, deceased, releases Lewis Pierce from the Mortgage of 1 Jan 1845. Recorded 1 Aug 1856, Mortgage Book 29, p. 177 (FHL #0878304).
8 Aug 1855 releases Robert Wiseman from the mortgage of 31 Mar 1851. Recorded 12 Jan 1856, Mortgage Book 43, p. 291 (FHL #0878314).
Orleans Co., New York
19 Feb 1852 buys from Richard Dunning and wife Nancy for $3,770 and a mortgage made by Dunning to Erastus C. Woodworth for $625 65 acres in section 29, township 15, range 3 bounded west by lands "now owned by George Oaterkirk and James Carman formerly deeded to Otis Turner" thirty three chains and sixty eight links; North by the Ridge Road; East by land now owned by Samuel Smort eleven chains formerly owned by John Willson; Southerly by the Oak Orchard Creek. Recorded 20 Feb 1852, Book 36, p. 546 (FHL #0591268).
22 Jun 1855 enumerated in the New York State Census in both the Population and Agricultural schedules for the town of Ridgeway. Property worth $1,500; ae 41; born in Cortland Co; married; resident in Orleans Co. 3 years; farmer; native of US; landowner. Also listed are wife Clara, son Frank L., mother Polly Pierce, father-in-law William W. Baldrich, and two renters.
Agriculture data: 55 improved acres; 10 unimproved; Values: farm 3900, stock 830, tools 220; 12 plowed acres, 12 pasture acres, 14 meadow acres, produced 21 tons of hay, sowed 15 acres of winter wheat and harvested 240 bushels; sowed 3 acres of oats and harvested 90 bushels; 6 acres of corn and harvested 180 bushels; 14 acres of potatoes and harvested 60 bushels; harvested 300 bushels of apples and made 4 barrels of cider; collected 30 pounds of honey; produced 60 bushels of peaches worth $30. Had 8 head of cattle, 3 cows, killed 2 steers for beef, milked 3 cows, 3 butter cows produced 3 pounds, no cheese production, 6 horses, 7 pigs under 6 mos, 2 over 6 mos; sold $8 of poultry, $6 of eggs; used 1/2 ton of Gipsum manure worth $2.50.
25 Dec 1855 buys from James Carmen and wife Elizabeth for $400 12 1/2 acres in the east part of lot 7 beginning 10 chains 81 links from the east bounds of lot 23, township 15, range 3 of the Holland Co land at the distance of 29 chains 52 links north from the south line; North bounded with the east bound 11 chains 55 links; West with north bound of lot 10 chains 81 1/2 links South parallel with the east bounds 11 chains 55 links East parallel with the north bounds 10 chains 81 1/2 links. Recorded 5 Apr 1857, Book 47, pp. 322-3 (FHL #0592213).
31 Mar 1857 sells to James Carmen for $4,000 the land purchased 19 Feb 1852. Recorded Book 46, p. 501 (FHL #0592212).
8 May 1857 buys from Hannah McCord of Medina for $1,626 7 76/100 acres southwest of the land purchased by W & E Hedley of Wm R. Grimm bounded by 21 chains, 87 links south of the north west corner of Hedley's property in the center of the highway and running southerly along the center of the highway 8 chains 50 links to land deeded to Volney Acer; Easterly along Acers land 9 chains 18 links to the center of Marine or Main St., Northerly along the center of the street 8 chains 50 links; westerly 9 chains 9 1/2 links to the beginning. Recorded 8 May 1857, Book 46, p. 403 (FHL # 0592212).
22 Feb 1859 he and wife Clara sell to Joseph F. Moore of Corning, Steuben Co., for $550 the 12 1/2 acres they purchased 25 Dec 1855. Recorded 23 Feb 1859, Book 50, p. 282 (FHL #0592215).
14 Aug 1860 enumerated in US Census: ae, 46; profession, ??; value of real estate, $5,000; value of personal estate, $300; place of birth, New York. Also listed are wife Clara, sons Frank & Clarence W, and William W. Aldrich, a Ferrier, presumably his father-in-law. Relationships are not stated in this census.
25 Apr 1861 he and wife Clara of Medina sell to Edwin P. Heally for $4500, a $625 mortgage to H. W. Poller dtd 22 Dec 1860, and a $1,000 mortgage to John Stewart dtd 9 Jan 1860 the 7 76/100 acres they purchased 8 May 1857. Recorded 25 Apr 1861, Book 52, p. 378 (FHL #0592217).
16 Sep 1863 Clara Pierce of Medina, Orleans Co., sells to Elanor A. Allen for $1500 and a mortgage for $1200 to John Drew past due in Apr 1863 Lot 132 in Ridgeway, Orleans Co., bounded north by Cross St., 1 chain, east by lot 133 3 chains, 25 links, south by an alley 1 chain, west by lot 131 3 chains, 25 links (acreage not stated). Received and recorded Book 57, p. 522 (FHL #592221).
Kent Co., Michigan
Lewis and Clara make an agreement with George S. Richardson. Misc Book 2, p. 342.
16 Aug 1870 enumerated in US Census for Paris Township, Kent Co., MI. Lewis ae 55, Farmer, real estate $4000, personal prop. 800, born in New York, eligible to vote. Also Clara age 46, Frank age 16, William age 13, Lewis age 4, born in Michigan.
7 Dec 1874 Clara B. Pierce of Paris sells to George S. Richardson for $800 20 acres with boundaries described as: "commencing 80 rods south of the center of section 11, township 6, range 6 north of range 11 west thence running north on the quarter line to the center of said section thence west on the east and west quarter line 40 rods thence south 75 rods thence south east to the place of beginning." Received and Recorded 19 Dec 1874, Book 92, p. 547 (FHL #1392922).
8 Jun 1880 enumerated in US Census for Paris Township, Kent Co., MI. age 67, born in New York, both parents born in Massachusetts. Clara age 57, born in New York, Father born in PA, Mother born in Connecticut.
6 Jun 1884 enumerated in Michigan State Census for Paris, Kent Co. Age 72, places of birth as stated before. Clara age 61, same places of birth, mother of 4 children. Lewis Jr. age 18, born in Michigan.
6 Dec 1884 Clara Pierce of Grand Rapids buys from Benjamin T. Pierce for $2,000 and a prior $1,900 mortgage due then to Henry A. Kerr 5 acres with boundaries described as: "the North half of block 17 of Stewarts addition to the City of Grand Rapids... being a part of the NW quarter of section 20 in town 7 north, range 11 west also of the north half of block 18 of Stewarts addition except for 2 acres on the south end. Received and recorded 19 Dec 1884, Book 150, p. 496 (FHL #1392943).
2 Mar 1886 Clara B. Pierce of East Paris sells to George S. Richardson for $1,500 20 acres with boundaries described as: "commencing 85 rods south of section 11 thence south 75 rods to section line thence west 40 rods thence north 85 rods thence SE to the beginning. Received and recorded 2 Mar 1886, Book 170, p. 608 (FHL #1392950).12
Family | Clarysa Blanch Baldridge b. abt. 1823, d. 1 Jan 1897 |
Children |
This person was last edited on | 5 Jan 2020 |
- [S457] Ancestry.com, 1850 United States Census [on-line database and images] (http://www.ancestry.com), Somerset, Niagara, New York, population schedule, sheet #351, dwelling #91, family #93, Lewis Pierce household, age 26, born in New York and a farmer with $5,600 in real estate; original data: NARA micropublication M432, Seventh Census of the United States, 1009 rolls, roll #561.
- [S584] New York State Census, 1855, 3rd Election District, Ridgeway, Orleans Co., Lewis Pierce household, dwelling #147, family #156, age 41, born Cortland Co., a farmer, FHL Film #592746, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S458] Ancestry.com, 1860 United States Census [on-line database and images] (http://www.ancestry.com), Town of Shelby, Orleans Co., New York, population schedule, sheet #80, dwelling #672, family #661, Lewis Pierce household, age 46, born in New York and was a gardener with $5000 in real estate and $300 in personal property; original data: NARA micropublication M653, Eighth Census of the United States, 1438 rolls, roll #561.
- [S459] Ancestry.com, 1870 United States Census [on-line database and images] (http://www.ancestry.com), Paris Township, Grand Rapids Post Office, Kent Co., Michigan, population schedule, sheet #518, dwelling #170, family #172, Lewis Pierce household, age 55, born in New York, and a farmer with $4000 in real estate and $800 in personal property; original data: NARA micropublication M593, Ninth Census of the United States, 1748 rolls, roll #682.
- [S460] Ancestry.com, 1880 United States Census [on-line database and images] (http://www.ancestry.com), Paris Township, Kent Co., Michigan, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) 128, sheet #14B, dwelling #132, family #135, Lewis Pierce household, age 67, born in New York, and a farmer; original data: NARA micropublication T9, Tenth Census of the United States, 1454 rolls, roll #587.
- [S235] Kent Co., Michigan, Kent County, Michigan census, 1884, 1894, Lewis Pierce Household, Dwelling/Family 50, Paris Township (1884), FHL microfilm 984656, further cited as State Census. age 72.
- [S233] Pierce Cemetery Plot in McMinnville, Copy of Deed from the Town Clerk, McMinnville, Tennessee, 19 Mar 1889, Book 4, Page 4, Gregory Cooke Clarkdale, Arizona.
- [S222] Seneca County Courthouse, Seneca Falls, New York, Probate records, 1804-1923, further cited as Seneca Probate.
- [S226] Frank M. McMath, Memorials of the McMath Family: Including a Genealogical Account of the Descendants of Archibald McMath Who Was Born in Scotland About the Year 1700 (Detroit, Michigan: Speaker Printing, 1898), 178-179, further cited as McMath, McMath Family.
- [S232] "A Remarkable Woman," Nashville Daily Sun, Nashville, Tennessee, 11 Jan 1897.
- [S457] 1850 United States Census, Somerset, Niagara, New York, pop. sch., sheet 351, dwelling 91, family 93, Lewis Pierce hshld.
- [S584] New York State Census, 1855, Orleans Co., Lewis Pierce household.
- [S364] Niagara Co., New York, Mortgages, 1813-1850, 29:177, 352, 353, FHL microfilm 0878304, further cited as Niagara Co., NY Mortgages.
- [S1397] Orleans County, online, http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~nyorlean/boxwoodp.htm, accessed 14 Nov 2009. Hereinafter cited as Orlean County.
- [S458] 1860 United States Census, Town of Shelby, Orleans Co., New York, pop. sched., sheet #80, dwelling #672, family #661, Lewis Pierce household.
- [S459] 1870 United States Census, Paris Township, Grand Rapids Post Office, Kent Co., Michigan, pop. sched., sheet #518, dwelling #170, family #172, Lewis Pierce household.
- [S235] State Census, Lewis Pierce Household, Dwelling/Family 50, Paris Township (1884); FHL #984656.